Ch 19

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"W-Who is it?" I could pick up on the way Coraline had stuttered out her words though I knew the last few days had been hard on the girl. "It's (Y/n). Can I come in?" The last thing I wanted the girl to do was crying in her room alone but I'm sure she was just thinking about her older brother. "J-Just a minute!" I didn't rush the girl as I waited outside of the room though when she opened the door, I caught sight of her slightly red eyes.

"Did you need something (Y/n)?" As I started to speak, I ignored Coraline's tear-stained cheeks though since she was upset, I wanted to cheer her up. "Check it out. Hawkins asked me to marry him~ Hehehe. Are you going to be at my wedding?" When her hands gripped my hand, she pulled it closer as she took in the gold band that sat perfectly on my ring finger. "He doesn't seem like the romantic type (Y/n) but I guess that man's full of surprises. How long have you known him for?"

"Hm... two or three months, I think? I don't really remember but I'm sure that Hawkins would know the answer to your question" When Coraline's eyes started to widen after I had finished speaking, I knew she was in shock though it was an understandable reaction. "H-How do you know he's even the right man for you (Y/n)? No offense but it seems like you're rushing into this relationship and honestly, I'm scared for you" Coraline's response was genuine though she had nothing to fear since Hawkins promised he would always keep me safe no matter what.

"We might not seem like the perfect couple but he cares about me like no one ever has and that's what I love the most about him... Will you please tell me why you were crying, Coraline?" Since the girl was sensitive, I didn't want to force her to talk about her feelings though I knew it was unhealthy to keep things bottled up inside. At first, she tried to look away from me but I was patient with her. "D-Do you think that my brother still wants me around? I-I mean Drake never came looking for me and I know he served as a Marine for a few years so couldn't he have asked someone to find me?"

"Maybe he didn't know that you were still alive. You did mention that there was an explosion on the island so it's a possibility that he could have assumed that you were dead. It might sound morbid but it would explain why he never came looking for you though once we reach Sabaody I'm sure you'll find the answers to all your questions. Come on dinners ready and if we don't hurry the beasts are going to eat it all"


Hawkins' Pov

"Captain Hawkins I don't mind to sound disrespectful or anything but why did you ask for (Y/n)'s hand in marriage?" I had been waiting for my bride to return to the dining hall though my crew was growing curious about my intentions with the girl. "The cards had predicted that it was the only course of action to ensure her safety. I do not wish to lose her or see her get hurt. It already occurs far more often than I would like to see as it is"

"Oh, Hawkins look who I found~? Come on Coraline you can sit next to me at the important people's table" When I saw (Y/n) walk into the room with the younger girl held tightly to her side thoughts of children of our own filled my mind. (Y/n) cared so much for the others around her and if she wanted an offspring, I would gladly give her one. "Good evening my dear please take a seat so we may begin dinner"

"I still don't see what you like about this man (Y/n) but your free to love whoever you want to" As the two girls continued to speak amongst themselves, I turned back to my meal though I soon felt someone start to kick at me. I knew it was (Y/n) but the girl didn't even look away from Coraline as she started dragging her bare foot up my pant leg. "What are you doing (Y/n)?"

"I'm eating dinner Hawkins it's really good. What are you doing?" As my hand gripped her leg I stared right into her eyes when she turned her head to look at me. Those two sparkling orbs of hers were truly one of a kind though once I came back to my senses, I started to reply to her though maybe I shouldn't have been so forward with my choice of words. "Do you want children (Y/n)?"

Unfortunately, after I had asked the girl that question, she tried to leave the room and I didn't act quickly enough to stop her. "Faust, was that something I should have refrained from asking (Y/n)?" As my eyes remained fixed on the door (Y/n) had run out of someone had replied to my question but it wasn't Faust. "I don't think that was a question you should be asking any women plus you've only known (Y/n) for a few months so it's far too soon to think about children"

"Hm, is that so Coraline? When do you think would be the preferable time to bring up the topic again?" The girl took her time with responding but her answer did hold some insight. "Well, you will have to do the thing on your wedding night so maybe you should ask her then. Though Hawkins I'm a little curious, why do you even want children? I mean you're a Pirate after all and the sea is no place for a baby"

"I never gave it much thought before but if it will make (Y/n) happy then I'll gladly create a human life with her. Though you are correct about the sea being no place for a child. (Y/n) means more to me than you would ever know so I'll ensure that she remains safe no matter the cost and if that means leaving her on an island for a short amount of time then so be it"

"(Y/n) wouldn't like that very much. She loves you and to put it lightly I highly doubt that she'd leave you by choice. If you leave (Y/n) on an island you might as well rip out her still-beating heart while you're at it since that's how she'll feel when you abandon her. Someone should go make sure (Y/n) isn't having a breakdown since Captain Emotionless over here clearly says whatever the hell he wants to without thinking about anyone's feelings first"

"You're walking on a thin line, Coraline. (Y/n) is free to say whatever comes to her mind but you don't get such a privilege. This is your only warning to hold your tongue... I'll go retrieve my bride myself" Since my sweet (Y/n) was often a stubborn one I decided it would be best just to bring her plate with me so I could make sure that she at least ate something. "Stupid jerk Hawkins always embarrassing me in front of everyone" When I picked up on (Y/n)'s voice I started towards it though I was surprised to find her so close to the dining hall but that within itself was a blessing since that meant I wouldn't need to search the entire ship for her.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you my dear I just thought that you wouldn't have mind answering such a simple question. Here I brought your dinner please eat some of it"

(Y/n)'s Pov

At times I forgot that Hawkins wasn't a normal man but you'd think he would at least have known that talking about children in an open space was a terrible idea. "It's not a simple question Hawkins and you should never have brought it up in front of everyone like that. Though it's too late for you to take back it now... I'd rather not return to the dining hall right now. Can I just eat here?"

"(Y/n)... will you answer my question now that we're alone?" As I brought my head out of my lap, I meant Hawkins' eyes though there was a strange emotion within them. "Is my answer really that important to you? I never imagined that you'd be the one to bring up the topic of having children and it slightly scares me that you have brought it up"

"And why is that (Y/n)?... Were you also afraid when I asked for your hand in marriage? We don't have to wed if you're still unsure about it (Y/n). I'm not the type of man that is going force you into doing something that makes you uncomfortable since our marriage would only cause you to be unhappy if I were to do that"

"Didn't you force me to stay on this ship with you Hawkins when we first met?"

"Yes, but I was only trying to keep you safe. Did my actions cause you to feel uncomfortable (Y/n)?" In a way I found Hawkins' personality to be quite charming though I was really starting to wish that he would learn how to properly speak with people or at least figure out other people's emotions. "You can't rewrite history Hawkins... Come on I want to eat in our bedroom. Oh, and if you're curious about whether or not I want children then the answer is yes but we're both Pirates..."

"I'll do anything to make you happy (Y/n) and if that means impregnating you then so be it"

"Hawkins! Stop talking!"


End Chapter 19

Basil Hawkins x Reader {Our Fates Are Intertwined}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن