Ch 18

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(F/c) - Favorite Cake Flavor


A Few Days Later...

Hawkins' Pov

"Hmmm~ Go harder Hawkins you're being too gentle. Ohhh, just like that~" I'm not sure how (Y/n) managed to talk me into doing this but as long as she was happy, I was willing to do anything for her. "Do you want me to try a different technique on you (Y/n)?" As the girl below me started to nod her head I reached for the book that rested beside us before I started to flip through the pages. "How high is your pain tolerance (Y/n)?" At first (Y/n) didn't respond to my answer though when she turned her head, I could see confusion within the girl's eyes. "Why do you need to know my pain tolerance?"

"This technique seems promising though I want to make sure your fragile body can withstand it" When (Y/n) rolled onto her back I could see her exposed breasts though she made no attempt to cover herself. "I am not fragile Hawkins and I can handle anything you toss at me. So, let's see this technique of yours but make it quick since I'm getting tired. We've been at this for an hour now and while it's been nice you still haven't gotten that knot out of my lower back yet"

"My apologies (Y/n) but I'm a Pirate Captain, not a massage expert. Please roll back onto your stomach and we'll try this once more" When she did as I asked my hand reached for the massage oil bottle before I poured a nice amount onto her back and started to rub it in. "You're so talented with your hands Hawkins~ Hm, we should do this more oft-ah! What are you breaking back there Hawkins!? I am a very valuable person so please try and keep me in one piece thank you very much"

"I understand your value (Y/n) though this pain is necessary if you wish to feel better. Now hold still for me my dear"


An Hour Later...

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Thank you, Hawkins~ You really made me feel better with that massage. Can I do anything for you?" After Hawkins had finished cracking the hell out of my back, we had decided to have a nice bubble bath together though the man was being awfully quiet on the other end of the tub. When he didn't reply to my question, I noticed the man was staring at the wall with this glazed-over look in his eyes. "Oi Hawkins!" As his eyes shifted back to me, I began to smile before I held my hand out to him. "I love you, Hawkins. Though please stop staring into space like that since it scared me and I thought something was wrong with you"

"(Y/n) will you remain by my side until the day my moral soul leaves this body? I cannot promise that every day will be pleasant but I'll always ensure to protect you from anyone who wishes to harm you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I almost didn't believe those words had come out of Hawkins' mouth though the simple golden band was proof enough that he did in fact ask me to marry him. Sure, I loved Hawkins with all of my heart but did I really want to marry the man? "Is the ring not to your likely (Y/n) I can find you another if you'd prefer one with a diamond tho-hm"

When my lips separated from Hawkins I immediately started to speak while I rested tightly pressed against his exposed skin. "The ring is perfect Hawkins though are you sure that you want to marry me? I know you think I'm childish and loud but is that really someone you want to be stuck with for the rest of your life?" Since this was a big decision, I had expected him to at least take a minute before responding to me. Though I was surprised when an answer immediately started to spill from his lips.

"I wouldn't have asked you if I had any doubts in my mind (Y/n) and as for your childish behavior that is something I can tolerate since I love you" Maybe marrying Hawkins would be the right choice after all I mean he loves enough and I love him. "I'll marry you Hawkins but I want to have a small ceremony with a big wedding cake. It doesn't have to be anything crazy though the wedding cake needs to be at least 3 tiers tall and you can pick the flavor"

"Allow me to slide this ring onto your finger (Y/n) then we may discuss our plans together" Due to my hands being wet made sliding the ring onto my finger harder than it needed to be but Hawkins managed to get it on me. "Hawkins, the water is getting cold can you add more hot water?" When his arm reached past me, I felt something brush against my behind though I ignored it as the water started to pour from the tap and warm up the tub once again.

The water was close to slipping over the sides of the tub but at least the water was back to being the temperature I liked it at. "Are you satisfied, my dear?" As I slowly nodded my head Hawkins' arms wrapped around me before he brought my body closer to his. "Yes, I'm satisfied. Which cake flavor would you like for our wedding cake Hawkins?" There was a slight pause before the man replied though he surprised me by what he requested. "I'd like the flavor to be (F/c) and if you allow me to, I'd be interested in designing it as well"

"That's my favorite kind of cake... Do you like it too?"

"I do not like cake all that much but I remember you mentioning that it was your favorite" Hmm, that was odd I didn't realize Hawkins paid that much attention to me when I would speak to him since I could mention fifty different things within ten minutes at times. "You remembered, really?"

"Yes, I remembered (Y/n). I know all the important things about you from the way that you eat the crust off of your toast in the morning to the way you smile when reading an interesting novel. Everything about you is worth remembering, I wouldn't trade a single one of them for all the riches in the world. I love you my one and only"


30 Minutes Later...

"Hawky have you seen my favorite sh- Oh thank you! How do you think the crew will react to our wedding announcement?" After my shirt was in place, I turned back to the man who was sitting on the bed brushing out his golden locks. "It's hard to say how those individuals will react though I predict that overall, their emotions will be positive. Can you assist me with brushing my hair (Y/n)?"

"Sure... Can I braid it, Hawkins?" While I waited for a response, I started to brush out the knots from his hair though when the man replied I quickly got all of the tangles out so I could start braiding it. "If you must"

Hawkins' hair was longer than mine but that was mostly due to the fact that we had to cut it pretty short because of all the tangles I had. I never had the luxury of having a hairbrush on the island so I was at the mercy of only being able to use my fingers though that didn't do me much good.

"Awe, I'm going to make you look so pretty Hawky~ Don't worry I'll try not to pull your hair too much this time" Due to his long hair it took me some time but once I had gotten it finished, I moved off the bed before I stood in front of him. "I'm done Hawky. How does it look?" In typically Hawkins fashion he only said it was fine though when he stood up, I was surprised when I found my handheld within his.

"Come along (Y/n) we'll make our marriage announcement to the crew. Dinner should be starting any moment now" As I followed beside the man, I noticed that his ring finger was looking a little bare so I decided to ask about it. "Are you going to wear a ring, Hawkins?"

"Most likely as it will symbolize my love towards you. Why do you ask (Y/n)?" Before I could reply to his question, we had already arrived in the dining hall where the rest of the crew was waiting. "Good evening Captain Hawkins and Vice-Captain (Y/n)!" As I took my seat at the table Hawkins had pulled out my chair for me before he sat up the head of the table.

"Me and Hawkins are getting married!" Sometimes in life, you just needed to pull off the bandage quickly instead of taking your time though based on their face some of the crew didn't believe the news. "I'm serious check out the ring he got me" As I showed off the simple golden band to the men, they still had their doubts though when Hawkins confirmed the news they started to cheer.

"Has anyone seen Coraline today?" It was strange that the girl was missing but maybe she was taking a nap in her room or something. "She was cutting some pictures out of the newspaper and I didn't want to bother her (Y/n)-san. Do you want me to inform her that dinner is going to be served?"

"No, I'll go get her. Wait here Hawkins and save me some food" After I had kissed the man on the cheek I headed towards the door before making my way to Faust's room where Coraline was currently staying. She got along fine with the Mink so it worked out perfectly for everyone.

'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'


End Chapter 18

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