Ch 16

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Hawkins' Pov

"Did you not hear me? Get off of my partner now... Don't make me tell you again" As the vermin removed himself from (Y/n)'s still sleeping form I gave her a quick look though thankfully her clothes were still in place. "T-This isn't what it l-l-looks like Captain Hawkins! I-I was just c-checking to see if the girl was still breathing!" While is man deserved to be punished for his transgressions against my partner, I wasn't going to kill him until he begging for mercy. "Men take this traitor to the dungeons. I'll deal with him later though make sure he doesn't fall asleep"

"Damn scum! How dare you harm Miss. (Y/n)! We'll take care of him, Captain. You just stay here and comfort the Little Miss" My partner was supposed to be in good hands while I was away but unfortunately, I didn't consult the cards before I left her. I was too concerned about finding the girl the perfect gift that would please her that I neglected to ensure her safety. "Leave us be. I do not wish to be disturbed for the rest of the evening"

"Understood Captain! We'll bring dinner to your room later" The door was in disrepair but it still managed to close though someone would need to repair it later. "(Y/n)... I let you down I'm sorry" As my fingertips traced along her cheek, I carefully moved my hands until I began to bring the girl up into my arms. She was light and delicate almost like a porcelain doll but I was gentle with her. No one was ever going to touch her again while I was around. Though to achieve something like that I could never allow her to leave my side and that wasn't going to be possible.

"I love you (Y/n)... You're the only one who's said it back" As I took my tarot cards out of my pocket, I held the girl within my arms while I sat at my desk. I didn't mind the way she turned and wiggled every so often but there was always such uncertainty when the girl was involved. Sure, I had been with a female a time or two purely for release though (Y/n) just made me feel something I hadn't before. She cared about me and even if the girl did act hostile towards me at times, I didn't mind it.

They say you're supposed to freely sacrifice everything for the person you love though I wanted to do more than that for (Y/n). It was an unexplainable feeling I had towards her and one that I never had felt before with anyone. Though in a way it scared me since what would happen if (Y/n) were to be taken from this world and that feeling disappeared? I could read every book on love that has ever been written but feeling for yourself was a whole different experience. "I'm glad I found you (Y/n)... I'll protect you from everything in this world because I love you. There's no question in my mind about that"

"Hawkins why the hell are you talking to yourself? 'Yawnnnn' Did I miss anything while I was asleep?" As (Y/n)'s eyes shifted towards mine I could see a bright smile had spread across her lips before she started twisting my hair with her pointer finger. "Are you in pain (Y/n)? I'm sorry that I woke you"

"It's okay Hawky~ My headache is completely gone but I am starving. Can we get something to eat?" When I should up from my chair (Y/n) wrapped her arms around my neck so I wouldn't end up dropping her though the chances of that happing were unlikely. "Oh, oh Hawkins! You didn't open your birthday present yet! It's sitting on your nightstand, come on open it"

"I got you a present as well (Y/n)" The girl looked a little surprised but after I placed her on our bed, I handed her the bag before I took the present, she made me. "You didn't need to get me anything, Hawkins... Oh, you got me a music box? This must-have cost you a fortune. Now my presents going to look like a complete joke"

As she waited for me to unwrap the present from the old newspaper, she used I paused before my eyes shifted to hers. "I didn't pay a single Beri for your gift (Y/n)... though I did have to kill the shop owner but that's beside the point. My partner will have nothing less than the best and that music box instantly reminded me of you"

"Did you just say you murdered someone?... Great, I'm in love with a crazy person. You're not opening my present Hawkins, come on I want to see if you like it or not" I didn't think must about (Y/n)'s question as I turned back to the gift within my lap though I was a little surprised that she had gotten me a scrapbook. "Open it, Hawkins~ I took some photos of us together and put them in there but we can always take more"

"(Y/n) why am I asleep in some of these photos?... I like this photograph of you (Y/n)" As my finger pointed to the page, she leaned over but when the girl's stomach started to growl, I knew she needed to be fed. "Feed me, Hawkins! Before I decide to eat you" Hm, I won't put it past (Y/n) to attempt to do such a thing though she had those survival instincts of her. "Would you like to bite me (Y/n)?"

"W-What!? No, you probably don't even taste that good anyways Hawkins!" It wasn't almost laughable watching as (Y/n) freaked out but alas I chose to ignore her as I stood up from the bed. "It was just an offer (Y/n)... Come on I'll make you something to eat"


(Y/n)'s Pov

"Here you go (Y/n) it's not much but it should satisfy you until dinner" Awe, Hawkins made me food that's so cute he must really love me. "Thanks, Hawky~ Are you going to sit with me while I eat?" When he shook his head, I got confused but as the man spoke my confusion shifted to fear. "I have a man to torture unfortunately but I'll return within the hour. Faust will watch you in the meantime and he will take you to town if you so desire"

"Who pissed you off?" Hawkins didn't show up a lot of emotions but there was something off about him today. "Don't worry yourself about it (Y/n). I'll find you when I'm finished with the prisoner" When the man's lips pressed against my forehead, I met his eyes for only a second before he started to leave the room.

Once he had completed disappeared from the room, I turned to the Mink so I could ask him about Hawkins' strange behavior. "Faust, what's wrong with Hawkins?" When Faust didn't give me an answer, I started eating the meal Hawkins had prepared. "Yum, I didn't know the man could cook~ Hehehe. Let's go into town after this Faust. I want to buy a few more outfits for my closet and Hawkins already gave me a bag of Beri to spend"

"Alright (Y/n) but we can't stay in town long since it's going to be dark soon and the shops close early on this island" Hm, that seemed odd but the islanders must have liked to go home to their families earlier. I hope that person Hawkins killed didn't have a family. "Did you know that Hawkins murdered someone in town earlier today? He said it happened when he was looking for my present"

"No, the Captain didn't mention it but I'm sure we'll be fine... Though we'll bring a few other members with us just encase something does happen"

"That's a good plan Faust"


End Chapter 16

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