Ch 10

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Hawkins' Pov

"Faust, have you seen (Y/n)? She wasn't in bed this morning when I awoke" It was rather strange since usually, the girl was still asleep when I would wake up in the morning. "She's in the kitchen Captain but you're not allowed to bother her. Strict orders directly from Miss. (Y/n)!" What could (Y/n) possibly be doing in the kitchen? "How long has she been in there?"

"A few hours... I'm not sure what's she up to but something smells delicious" I didn't notice it before but when Faust brought it up something did indeed smell pleasant. "Faust I'm done with the kitchen you can te- Oh, Hawkins there you are" As my eyes shifted to the tray in the girl's hands, she held it out for me to hold. "I made you breakfast Hawkins. You know to thank you properly for saving my heart. Here take it"

(Y/n)'s Pov

As I held the tray out for Hawkins to take, he seemed to hesitate but eventually, he did take the meal. "Follow me to the dining hall (Y/n) so we may eat breakfast together" There was plenty of food on the tray for two people though was Hawkins the type of man to share? "Oh, that's alright I'll just clean up the kitchen. You go ahead an- Hey, stop doing that Hawkins!"

"Come along (Y/n) also don't try to bite the straw my dear it can be very sharp" Did this guy have eyes in the back of his head or something? Hawkins wasn't even looking at me but somehow, he knew what I was doing. "We'll reach the island by this afternoon, right?" He didn't stop his stride though once we entered the dining room the man replied. "Yes, the island is only a short distance away. We'll remain there to restock and carry our belongings to the new vessel but I plan to depart by sunset"

"What happens if the Marines show up, won't they try to arrest you?" As we each took a seat Hawkins starting cutting into one of the pancakes I had made before he held it to my lips. "Eat (Y/n) I don't want you to grow weak. As for the Marines it's a possibility they'll show up but the islanders won't risk losing one of their citizens due to their own foolishness" I tilted my head at that since I didn't know what he had meant by that. "What did you mean Hawkins?"

"When I had ordered the construction of my ship the villagers of that island tried to refuse. So, to ensure they completed their work I took one of them as a hostage. If they did as I asked, I'll return the hostage and leave their island unscathed" I couldn't help but narrow my eyes at that though now that I thought about it that seemed like something Hawkins would do. "So, you bullied them into making a ship for you?"

"No, I simply made them a deal they couldn't refuse" This man was much more delusional than I first thought he was. I mean how could he just go around kidnapping innocent people to achieve his own goals? "I'm pretty sure you just admitted to bulling those poor villagers... Are you at least going to pay them for their troubles?" At this point, I just had to assume that Hawkins lived in his own little fantasy world. "No, why would a payment be necessary (Y/n)?"

"Forget I said anything about it... Do you like the breakfast I made you?" Hawkins hadn't tried everything I prepared but a good proportion of it was gone. "It will satisfy me for the time being. Though you didn't cook these cubes of potato long enough they're still raw in the center" That didn't really give me an answer but with Hawkins, this was the best thing I'd get out of him. "I'm glad you like it"


Later That Day...

"Oh, look Hawkins I can see the island!" It looked perfect and so full of life which was odd since the islands in the North Blue had mostly winter islands but this one appeared to be a spring or summer island with no sign of snow. "Prepare to dock!" Hawkins wasn't giving out orders though he was right by my side while his hands rested against my hips. The man had told me he was keeping me from falling off of the ship but my mind had doubts.

"We'll be docked within a couple of minutes (Y/n) when we do arrive you are to remain at my side. Do I make myself clear?" There was no escaping from Hawkins and I had gotten used to him over the time we had been together. So, I really didn't want to leave him anymore. "Okay" As the sail was pulled in, we soon found ourselves at the dock of the island while a few people should within the forest area a short distance away. "Stay close to me (Y/n) we're going inspect the vessel first"

"W-Welcome Master H-Hawkins! W-We have constructed your ship just like you requested, would you like to see it?" I had never heard such fear within another person's voice before. What could Hawkins have done to these people to make them so afraid of him? Sure, he had taken one of them hostage but that didn't seem to be the cause of their fear. "(Y/n) you're falling behind. Try not to let your mind wander too much my dear"

"I'm sorry Hawkins I was just thinking about something" The man was already far ahead of me so I needed to run to catch up to him and the other male that was leading the way. "What were you thinking about that caused you to become so distracted (Y/n)?" I only shrugged my shoulders since I didn't want to tell him about my thoughts at this exact moment. "Watch your step (Y/n) this forest has many hazards that will cause you harm and don't wish for that to happen"

"What kind o- Ahhhh! It's a snake! Don't let it get me!" Before anyone in the group including myself knew it, I was in Hawkins' arms trying to get away from the creature that slithers across the dirt path. "Hm, I believe that snake was poisonous. Do you want me to put you down my dear?" My eyes almost popped out of my head as I tightened my grip around his neck. "Noooooo, there are deathly snakes that will kill me on the ground! You'll have to carry me all the way to this ship of yours!"

"How did you survive alone on that island for so long (Y/n)?" Leaning back just enough to see his eyes I glared at him before I replied. "There were no snakes on that island Hawkins! I hate snakes and they hate me!" If he was amused by my little outburst, I couldn't tell but as we reached a clearing I started to turn around. "Hm? That ship looks pretty cool. Did you design it, Hawkins?"

"No, the rest of my crew did"

"I-It's prepared exactly t-to your specifications Master Hawkins! N-Now shall we a-assist you in moving things to your new ship?" This poor islander was terrified of Hawkins but he seemed to be trying his best to get the man off of the island as quickly as he could. "Yes, have the ship moved next to my current one and bring me some supplies as well"

"You know you could thank the man Hawkins. There's no need for you to be so mean to these people" The villager seemed surprised I stood up for him but quickly averted his eyes when Hawkins' lock on him. "Thank you for your service. When the vessel is prepared for departure your son will be returned to you" So, Hawkins took his man's son as his hostage? No wonder he appeared to be terrified of Hawkins, the man didn't want anything bad to happen to his child. "You're you a jerk and a bully Hawkins. Why couldn't you build your own ship?"

"I don't have to answer that question (Y/n). We'll return to the rest of the crew now and you can start packing your items into boxes, alright?" My eyes shifted to the ground as we walked through the forest but Hawkins continued to confuse me with what he said next. "I am a Pirate, not a peacekeeper (Y/n). Please understand that this is how most Pirates act and some Marines are worse than us"

"I'm not Pirate, Hawkins..." We were almost back at the docks when Hawkins stopped walking just short of the clearing. "You may not what to admit it (Y/n) but the moment you came on board my ship you became a member of the Hawkins Pirates and this arrived with the newspaper this morning" As a piece of paper was placed in my hands and I almost couldn't read it. "Miss. (Y/n), The Assistant... Wanted Dead or Alive... 30,000,000 Beri... What the hell is this!?"

"30 million is quite the starting bounty (Y/n) but you were present during that incident on the Marine base. So, it's to be expected that they gave you a bounty"

"My life is over!"


End Chapter 10

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