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Hawkins' Pov

"Hawkins~" (Y/n) must have been having a dream about me since she's been calling out my name for the past 30 minutes. "We'll wed tomorrow my love then after which I'll find a lovely island just for the two of us. The New World can wait another week or two" Pressing my lips to her forehead I readjusted my hold before standing from the bed. I still needed to accomplish a few tasks, but leaving (Y/n) alone wasn't possible. "I love you~" She was wrapped in a warm blanket so I didn't need to worry about her catching a cold although I still held her close.

"This wouldn't take long my dear" After I had made sure everything was taking care of, I would return to bed but since the wedding was tomorrow doubling checking the preparation was a necessary task. "I'll love you forever~" Even as (Y/n) slept she still managed to attract my eye although that was only natural. "Good evening, Captain Hawkins"

"Are the preparations complete?"

"Yes, everything is set to go for the wedding. However, we are missing the wedding bands" I did plan to take (Y/n) ring shopping earlier but we had managed to become sidetracked. "I had already given her a ring when I proposed why would she need a second?" It was my bride who had made that comment first but even as I said it aloud, I was beginning to doubt myself. "It's tradition but if you insist, we wouldn't require one" In the end, it would only be a piece of metal so it was pointless. "Pretty ring~" She might have been asleep but perhaps her mind had overheard my conversation with the crew.

"The shops should still be open I will return shortly" All I needed to do was select a ring that would fit her delicate finger. It sounded like an easy task but I would need to stay on guard since (Y/n) always seemed to attract trouble no matter the time of day. "Be careful Captain" I gave a single nod then headed for the door keeping a close eye on the sleeping girl to ensure my pace was to her liking. The last thing I wanted was to wake her up and if she did awaken, I feared she'd be in pain. "I love you~"

"I love you as well my dear"


Faith's Pov

"Stop touching my cheeks Doflamingo!" I didn't know if this man just had a problem with respecting my personal space or just wanted to end up dead but if he carried on with this behavior, I'd be digging his grave by the end of the night. "You should really calm down Faith. I just want to show you how much I love you" The moment his hands dipped down to my shoulders I moved to stand. I hated being touched and Doflamingo knew that but right now he was just ignoring the rules I had in place. "He does make a good point Faith. You did marry him for a reason and one should always give their partner attention when they require it"

This woman had no right to speak about relationships when she was in fact single and probably has been for several decades. "Cadence stop talking!" My neutral mood had been thrown out the window hours ago but I had also been drinking gin trying to drown out Doflamingo so that didn't help things. "Stop yelling Faith you're going to make yourself sick. It's late why don't we go cuddle in my hotel room? Maybe I can convince you to take these rags off. Fufufu"

"Don't insult my clothing Doflamingo. There ten times better than yours and match. Who even allowed you to leave Dressrosa in that outfit?" I wasn't in any mood to give into Doflamingo's wants and after finding out about what this man did in his free time, he was lucky I didn't murder him. "You two are truly something else. I'm going inside for the evening but Faith you're more than welcome to stay in the guest room" She was already gathering up the teacups although that offer was one, I couldn't accept. "That will not be necessary I'll return to my ship for the night"

"Good idea Faith" I refused to look at the man as I started for the port but he was following close behind. "You can go back to your hotel room Doflamingo. I'm not having anything to do with you tonight" This man had always been a person who took what he wanted so I shouldn't have been surprised when his hand wrapped around my wrist keeping me from taking another step. "Why are you being so stubborn?" There was no way he could have known I found out his secret and as I replied the grip only tightened. "I know what you did"

Basil Hawkins x Reader {Our Fates Are Intertwined}Where stories live. Discover now