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Hawkins' Pov

It wasn't my intention to go that far with the young girl but then again, all that mattered was that it had made her smile. She was sound asleep within my arms as I walked the corridor towards our bedroom although when I caught a glimpse of that annoying teenager my movements halted. "Did (Y/n) knock herself out or something Captain Creep?" My lover was asleep and wouldn't be the wiser if this girl was to mysteriously vanish but I knew it would be reckless and since we would be parting ways with her in due time, I wouldn't harm her. Although if she stepped over the line before that happened then her life would be forfeited.

"May I help you, Coraline?" I wanted to put (Y/n) to bed where she would be more comfortable but if I simply tried to ignore the girl in front of me then there was a chance, she'd do something that would result in my lover awakening. "Nah... but Faith is on the deck and she doesn't look very happy. She said something about killing the man responsible for taking her sister's innocents. Not sure what she meant but she's looking for you. I wouldn't keep her waiting any longer Hawkins~ Hehheh" Was it possible that her sister knew what happened just occurred in the infirmary? No, that would be nonsense, and if she knew I'm sure Faith wouldn't have remained on deck. "Please inform her that I will only be a moment"

"Do it yourself. I'm going to find a snack" As the girl walked past me, I felt my fingers twitch but never stopped her. It would be problematic if I prolonged my interaction with that one and Faith also needed to be dealt with. "There you are, Hawkins... Oh, and you have my sister with you too. Hmmm? Just leave her somewhere safe then meet me on the deck. We have some business to discuss" As (Y/n)'s grip started to tighten around my neck I rubbed my hand along her back in an attempt to calm her down but I knew abandoning the girl wouldn't do me any good. "I'd rather not leave her alone"

"Why?" If (Y/n) wanted her sister to know about her sleeping problems, she was free to tell her, but I would not be the one to tell her secrets. "That is none of your concern" Turning my back to Faith I started down the hall towards my quarters. "You might think you're untouchable Hawkins but just because you're screwing my sister doesn't mean I won't kill you. Meet me on the deck within the next ten minutes" Who was she to give me orders? "Go bother someone else with your problems Faith I'm not leaving (Y/n)'s side"

"It's (Y/n)'s problem we need to discuss... but if you're not interested, I guess I'll just leave" Returning my focus to Faith I could see a smirk on her lips though ignored it as I spoke. "(Y/n) has a lot of problems so you'll need to narrow it down to one" It wasn't meant as an insult towards the girl but everyone on the ship knew she was an odd one. "Yeah, she's a little bit of a basket case, isn't she? Hmm, to understand her issues you'll need to know her past. Has she told you about that?"

"No, and she prefers to keep that to herself so leave it alone Faith" As I stared into Faith's eyes, I tried to figure out what kind of game she was playing but those eyes held no emotion within them. (Y/n)'s eyes were always full of life although her twin just resembled something unalive. "H-Hawkins give me back the blanket... Stupid jerk..." She was talking in her sleep again but thankfully it didn't appear that she had been awoken. "Hawkins this isn't something that you can leave alone. My sister was only on that ship because she was running away from our father. She was a pawn to him... and I left her alone. You need to promise me that you'll protect her. I need you to take a piece of her"

"A piece of her?"

"I ate the Kio-Kio no Mi and with that, I can control memories"


?'s Pov

"Fufufufu. What exactly makes this girl so special and why should I take time out of my busy schedule to track her down?" It wasn't often that he would take an interest in a simple job like this one but everyone knew his personality was strange. "Our King has a vast fortune Joker you just need to name your price" Anything in this world could be bought although as the man's smile faded for a quick second, I found myself sweating more than before. "I have plenty of wealth... Fufufu. You know this girl looks rather familiar. Does she perhaps have a sister?"

Basil Hawkins x Reader {Our Fates Are Intertwined}Where stories live. Discover now