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Coraline's Pov

There wasn't much to do on Hawkins' ship but (Y/n) allowed me to use her arts and craft supplies. Although as a thin line of crimson appeared on my finger, I realized I had hurt myself with the evil paper. "I got a papercut, Faust" Since it was only a papercut it didn't bleed a ton, but I still wanted to cover it up. "There's plenty of bandages in the infirmary would you like me to retrieve one?"

"Yes, pl-" As my sentence was interrupted, I turned my focus on the person responsible though his explanation was pretty weird, to say the least. "No! The Captain is conducting important work in there and asked not to be bothered!" I hadn't been on this ship for long but a little-known fact about Hawkins was that he liked to stay hidden in his room with (Y/n) or actually he was anywhere she was. "Hm, why is the creep hanging out in the infirmary? I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving me a bandage"

Standing up from my chair I started towards the door but the same crew member from before grabbed my arm so couldn't leave. "Sit back down Coraline! The Captain is with (Y/n) and they're using the infirmary!" Something about his statement made the gears start turning in my head but I just figured that (Y/n) had hurt herself again and Hawkins was patching her up. That girl was a clumsy fool who really shouldn't be allowed to leave her bed in the morning. "And what might those two weirdos be using the infirmary for!? Stop touching me, you bastard!"

"I-I'm sorry Coraline! Please lower your voice!" As the man's hand left my shoulder I continued to the door while yelling back at him before I left the room. "You're the one screaming! I'm going to get a bandage so stay out of my way or else!" I was usually calmer than this but being stuck on Hawkins' ship was slowly taking its toll on me. He wasn't a bad person though I just wasn't a fan of the constant noise (Y/n) brought with her and since she was Hawkins' bride, he allowed her to do whatever she pleased.

"Drake will be waiting on Sabaody... I just need to find him before he leaves"


Ten Minutes Before...

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Hmmmm~ Hawkins t-this is nice, but I think you're just teasing m-me" I had told Hawkins that I wanted my first time to be slow although he was handling doing anything right now. Sure, he had added an extra two fingers, but I was getting needier as the time passed by. "What makes you say that (Y/n)?" When he replied I noticed he had stopped moving before completing removing the digits. "W-Well, you've been pleasing me for a while now and I think it's time for the n-next step"

"I agree (Y/n)" When he started to lean over me, I held my hands out since I also wanted to give the man some kind of pleasure. I wasn't experienced in the sex department, but I had overheard people discussing what they did with their partners. Some of the stuff was definitely weird though I would at least try a thing or two. "Wait I want to please you before we do that... That's okay with you right Hawky?" Hawkins didn't say much as he switched places with me, but I was left confused as I kneeled on the ground between his legs.

"Give me your hand (Y/n)" I wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but Hawkins' request just left me overthinking the whole situation. "My hand... okay but why?" As he took my hand in his own, I still didn't fully comprehend why he wanted it although I was sure he would explain it to me. "You wished to please me did you not?" My head nodded slightly though as I fixed on his member, I got a little distracted. "Yeah, but what does that have to do with my hand? I thought people used their mouth... is that not right?"

Shifting my eyes up I locked on his but there was an odd emotion within them. I don't know if it was fear or uneasiness, although I realized it was probably uneasiness as he spoke. "... You may use your mouth but (Y/n) please be mindful of your teeth" When he released my hand, I moved a little closer to him. "So... I just put it in and suck on it like a lollipop?" That was a childish comparison, but I had heard many people use the term over the years, so I figured it was fine. "Indeed"

Basil Hawkins x Reader {Our Fates Are Intertwined}Where stories live. Discover now