Ch 24

353 15 17

*A/n - This is the start of the lemon, but the next chapter will have more*


Hawkins' Pov

I had been trying to locate where our doctor had stored the lubricate for the past ten minutes now but so far, I didn't have much luck. "Good evening Captain! Is there something I can help you find?" (Y/n) did inform me not to tell anyone of our plans together though I'm sure in this instance her orders could be ignored. "My dear (Y/n) wishes to engage in sexual activities where is the lubricate kept?"

"T-Top shelf behind the cough s-syrup C-Captain! P-Please enjoy your night and I shall inform the rest of the crew that you are not to be bothered!?" If this man continued to be so loud then my bride would surely hear. She would rather keep these activities behind closed doors although I didn't see why the girl felt this strong about the topic. "Do not mention this to the crew... If Faith arrives early, please keep her away from my quarters"

(Y/n) had been waiting long enough although as my crew member spoke, I was left a little confused as to what he meant. "Y-Yes, Captain Hawkins!... C-Captain do you also need protection?" Turning back the man I began to reply but as I did the sound of footsteps filled my ears. "Protection from what?" Of course, those footsteps belonged to my dear bride I recognized them almost immediately but from what I could tell they were louder than usual. "Hawkins, what's taking you so fucking long!?... Why are you talking with a crewmember?... You didn't tell him anything, right?"

My bride really needed to learn how to speak without filling half of her sentences with profanities. "I-I should go! G-Goodnight Vice Captain (Y/n)!" I knew (Y/n) was upset and as she started to speak once again, I needed to keep myself from taking a step away from the girl. "Hawkins! I told you not to say shit to anyone!" She was a very vocal person though with each word her finger poked against my chest, but I made no attempt to move away from her. "Language (Y/n). I do not see why this topic has caused you to become so upset with me"

Getting an answer out of the girl was always difficult but as her eyes shifted towards my hands, I watched her move from one foot to another before she looked to the ground. "... Is that the lube?" I could see (Y/n) had some light pink on her cheeks though ignored it as I quickly replied to her question before taking a step towards her. "Yes, did you still want to engage in sexual activities?"

(Y/n)'s Pov

One of these days Hawkins was going to find me trying to cut out his tongue but for now, I had more important plans for my man. I was sure that the crew member had already started to spread rumors around the ship so it wouldn't be wise to leave the infirmary with Hawkins right this second. "Take your clothes off Hawkins and go lock the door" I had already decided that I was going to have sex with this man so backing down now wasn't an option. "Why would I need to lock the door (Y/n)?"

He really could play the innocent role quite well, but I knew something deathly was living underneath his skin and I fully intended to bring that beast to the surface. "Don't ask questions Hawkins" The man's back was still turned away from me so as quickly as possible I started to remove my clothing. It didn't take me too long since I wasn't wearing much though as that satisfying click reached my ears my heartbeat started to pick up.


"Would you please explain to me why I had to lock the door (Y-)" Hawkins had seen me without clothes on many times so why did he pause like that? "Hm, is something wrong Hawkins?" He took a few seconds to reply but before he did, I noticed his tongue licked at his bottom lip although it couldn't have been in a sexual way. Hawkins was must to put together and noble for such behaviors. "No, but why did you take off your clothing?"

Basil Hawkins x Reader {Our Fates Are Intertwined}Where stories live. Discover now