Ch 7

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A Few Days Later...

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Hawkins look at what I learned to do with my devil fruit!" The man was going over the route we needed to take with the other crew members but I had decided to interrupt them. "(Y/n) I'm rather busy at the moment. Please wait on the deck for me" Knowing Hawkins won't take long I ran out of the room and headed for the deck.

"Whose ship is that?" It didn't look like a Marine ship but as my eyes focused on the Pirates flag flapping in the breeze I started to back away. Dealing with the Navy was one thing but I didn't know how Pirates got along with each other and it would be bad if they started firing their cannons at us. No one else was on the deck at this time so I was the only one who knew about the approaching threat.

"Hawki-" When someone's hand pressed against my mouth stopping me from alerting Hawkins I froze. The enemy ship wasn't even close to us yet so who's hand was this. "ROOM... Shambles" This large blue dome had appeared around both the ships and a second after the man had finished his sentence I was no longer on Hawkins' ship. "Put her with the others"

As I was shoved into the awaiting hands of a man, I turned to get a good look at my kidnapper. "Who are you?" His grey eyes scanned my body but after a few minutes, he replied. "I'm Trafalgar Law... Set sail men I want to get far away from that ship before her crew shows up" As we got farther away from Hawkins' ship I felt completely hopeless. If I let this man just take me away then I might never see Hawkins again and I was just starting to like him too. "Let me go! Hawkins, help me!!!"


Hawkins' Pov

"Captain, come quickly the Heart Pirates are trying to kidnap Miss. (Y/n)! We're pursuing their ship as we speak!" How was this girl always getting herself into this much trouble? "Very well" Following behind my men I soon set my sights on the ship of Trafalgar Law. He was another rookie in the North Blue but I hadn't the pleasure of meeting him in person.

"Sail the ship close to them and prepare the cannons to sink their ship if necessary" This man was not going to take away my crew member after I had just gotten her back. (Y/n) was valuable and needed to remain on my ship. "Trafalgar Law, I'm afraid that loud girl is a member of my crew. Please return her or else I'll be forced to act" I could see (Y/n) was struggling to break free from a male's arms but she looked to be in good health. "Kick his ass, Hawkins!"

Trafalgar's devil fruit power was not one to be taken lightly and required extra caution on my part. "How about we make a deal Hawkins-ya? You help me retrieve something and I'll give you back little Miss. (Y/n)-ya here" When his hand ran across her neck, I saw the way the tears glistened in (Y/n)'s eyes, she was scared. Taking out my cards I went over the options but there was only one path that would keep (Y/n) safe. "Tell me more about this item you wish to retrieve"


(Y/n)'s Pov

An Hour Later...

"Why are we helping this crazy person, Hawkins? He doesn't look that tough you know, if we team up, we can easily take him out" I was sitting in the blonde man's lap as he drew cards since it was deemed the safest place but Law kept looking over at me periodically. "Trafalgar Law is not someone you want to underestimate (Y/n). We'll assist him in retrieving this submarine then we'll go our separate ways"

"He's going to the Grand Line as well, isn't he? I hope we don't have to see his stupid face ever again" Snuggling closer to Hawkins' bare chest I silently muttered to myself about how unfair this whole situation was. "Yes, he'll be in the Grand Line as well but there are multiple paths we can take once we arrive. There's only a small percentage we'll be on the same island with him during our voyage"

"Good... Hey, Hawkins why did you agree to help Law in the first place? You don't seem to care about a lot of things but here you are making sure I stay alive. Why is that?" We had only been together for a few weeks at this point but his behavior towards me was strange and confusing. "You'll play an important role in my future. I can't allow you to die before then. Eat your lunch (Y/n) I had Faust bring it straight from the kitchen so it's unlikely to be poisoned"

"And do you know what role I'll be playing? You're a very strange individual Hawkins but at least your cute" I was trying to get him to show a little emotion but when he didn't react to my compliment, I starting eating the stir fry on my plate. "Hm? Your quite cute as well (Y/n), much like a small kitten" Thankfully I didn't have any food in my mouth at the time since I would have choked on it. "N-No, you're not allowed to call me cute Hawkins!"

"Awe, Miss. (Y/n) has a crush on the Captain~" How dare they suggest such a thing? Sure, I had called him cute but that didn't mean anything. "I do not have a crush on Hawkins and he's too old for me! Stop trying to embarrass me!" When a hand started patting my head I leaned back as my eyes meant Hawkins' red ones. "Eat your lunch (Y/n) and stop shouting. It's bound to give me a terrible headache later"

"B-But your crew is picking on me Hawkins" His fingers had started tracing their way down my cheek before they rested against my stomach. "They won't bother you again (Y/n). Now eat" Before I did as the man asked, I pushed his hands away from my body so the tingling sensation would stop. "Are you hungry Hawkins? I'll share half of my lunch with you"

"I am quite famished. Thank you (Y/n)"


A Few Days Later...

Hawkins' Pov

"Do you understand the plan Hawkins-ya?" We will reach the island in less than a half-hour then after that, the man's plan would be complete and I could take (Y/n) back to my ship. That plan needed to succeed as Trafalgar put a contingency plan into place so I couldn't betray him. "Yes, I understand the plan. Once we're done here, you'll return (Y/n)'s heart to her?"

"That is the deal I agreed to. Where is little (Y/n)-ya?" As the door to the door was thrown open the girl in question ran in before she jumped into my lap. "H-Hawkins protect me! That man won't stop trying to touch me!" She was shaking but when a man came running through the doors behind her I understood. "Is this the kind of men you allow to sail under your flag Trafalgar?"

"Penguin-ya take this male down to the holding cells. I'll deal with him later... My apologies he's a new recruit, did he harm you (Y/n)-ya?" When the girl tensed up in my arms, I started to comfort her the best I could. "It's alright (Y/n)... Trafalgar have we reached the island yet?" This plan Trafalgar had come up with had less than ten percent chance of failure but it was still concerning he held (Y/n)'s life within his grasp. "Hm? We should be arriving any moment now. Let's join the others on deck"


(Y/n)'s Pov

"Hawkins everything's going to work out, right?" I was worried about the man, I knew he was strong but storming a Marine base just seemed like a bad idea. "Yes, (Y/n) once we're done here, we'll return to our own ship and continue towards Reverse Mountain. Just remain here with Faust"

As I was set down on the deck of Law's ship, I stared up at Hawkins one last time. "Wait!... Good luck Hawkins and you better not die!" When my hand-pulled on Hawkins' shirt to bring him down to my level, he didn't look surprised by my actions. Though as my lips pressed against the man's I seen his eyes slightly widen. Maybe he wasn't as emotionless as I originally thought he was. "Ah! Miss. (Y/n) kissed the Captain, she does have a crush on him!"

My focus had completely left Hawkins as I stormed over to his crew members that had decided to speak up about the situation. "Shut up and mind your own business! It was a kiss for good luck don't get it confused with anything else!" When they started running away from me, I wanted to chase after them but someone's hand had stopped me. "Calm down (Y/n) they have no negative intentions. Faust make sure she remains safe in my absence"

"Understood Captain Hawkins!"


End Chapter 7

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