Chapter 1: Nova

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Nova was in a bad spot. She had been robbing a grocery store, grabbing a small box of cupcakes for Honey's birthday. Leroy didn't have much money at the moment, so Nova had gone to grab some.

That's when the Renegades had come. She knew the team. Sketch, Red Assassin, Smokescreen, and Monarch. Oh, how she hated the Renegades. She was lucky, she supposed that she hadn't run into a team with more experience. Like Frostbites team. Ugh. Frostbite, Gargoyle, Stingray, and Aftershock. They were the worst. Just one month ago, they had come into the tunnels to investigate the Anarchists after the Renegades Parade, where Nova had tried to assassinate Captain Chromium himself. She had failed.

But that wasn't important now. What mattered was getting away from this team.

Red Assassin used her grappling hook to reel Nova into her.

"Nightmare, you're under arrest for crimes against the council. Come quietly, or we'll have to go to more drastic measures."

Nova scoffed. "I'm getting deja vu here. Fighting 4 on 1, winning, embarrassing your asses."

She kicked Red hard in the knee, and the girl collapsed to the ground, groaning. A group of butterflies swarmed around Nova , blocking her view of the others. They solidified into Monarch, a tall girl with blonde dreadlocks. Smokescreen and Sketch were on either side of her. Monarch in front of her. Who was in the back?

Nova started to back up, but ran into Red Assassin. The renegade had recovered more quickly than she had hoped.

"Nightmare, you are under arrest. Smokescreen?" Sketch said, glancing at the other Renegade.

Smokescreen took out a pair of Renegade handcuffs. The kind that covered the whole hand. Nova decided in that second she was not getting taken in. What would the other Anarchists say? What would Ace say?

Nova lunged for Sketch, bowling him over. He gasped in surprise. Smokescreens smoke filled the rooftop, blinding her. She had to escape. She could use this to her advantage. Use what resources you have, Ingrid always said. She crept to the edge of the roof, looking down. It wasn't too far down. She could escape. Right now. But... Sketch was stunned on the ground. Trying to catch his breath. She smirked. He was a lot taller than she was, but Nova was strong. She heaved him over her shoulders and threw him into the dumpsters below. Then she jumped after him.

"Wha..." Sketch said.

She shushed him. Taking off the wristband on his wrist, she tucked it under a garage bag. She'd come back for it later. She had a hostage to hide.

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