an explanation

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hey guys, i know it's been a while and you're probably disappointed this isn't an actual chapter.

this is just to explain why i haven't been updating, and to give you an idea of when i might update next.

first, i have been too busy to do any writing, which is so sad since i love it. i'm in the marching band for my school, and that takes up most of my free time. we have practice 3 days a week and fridays are (american) football games, so i don't get home until roughly 11:30 pm. also, school started, and so i'm there all day and when i do get home from practice i have to do my homework. and on weekends, i'm cleaning and getting chores done that i couldn't do during the week.

second. hopefully i will develop a schedule that will leave time for writing, and a chapter will be published. i'm not entirely sure when that will be. if it still develops and i still haven't updated, it's because i literally do not have the time. in that case, expect a chapter in roughly november. i know that's a long time but it's all i can do.

i hope everyone's doing well, and remember to take time for yourself to rest. ily!

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