Chapter 24: Andrew

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The next half hour was a blur. Inferno was loaded onto an ambulance and taken to the hospital. It seemed that water had the effect on her that most people had to fire. Her skin was burnt, and she was hardly breathing.

    Wildflower was arrested and put in handcuffs, with the warning to not use her powers or she would suffer the consequences. She seemed so distraught by her sister's injuries that she obeyed, just staring off into space with a hollow look in her green eyes.

    At the hospital, Andrew, Caroline, and Nova had their wounds treated. Wildflower was taken to a room where she was to be interrogated by the council. After her sister's recovery, they would have their trial in that very same room.

    Andrew didn't have many injuries himself, so he watched as Nova's head was banaged and Caroline's burns were healed.

    "I'm glad we caught them," he said softly.

    "Me too. I'm in need of a huge rest."
He hummed in agreement. They were silent for a few minutes longer, before Caroline spoke.

    "I think I'm going to leave the Renegades."

    He looked at her in shock. "What do you mean?"

    She shrugged. "It's just not for me, I guess. I'd rather go to school, maybe major in something and get a career. I like the idea of not having to worry about dying every other idea."

    Andrew thought about that. She had some good points.

    "To be honest, I've thought about returning to Paris. I could still be a Renegade, but maybe get a desk job instead. That way, I could still be involved, but I wouldn't have to fight villains."

    Caroline smiled at him. "You'd be good at that."

    "Thanks," he responded.

(one more chapter coming out today! hoping to finish this on monday)

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