Chapter 15: Rosalie

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Rosie paced anxiously in the abandoned warehouses she had been staying in. Lily should've been back by now. Her sister had gone on a walk, trying to clear her head. She'd been gone for at least an hour.

"I'll be back in twenty," she'd said.

Forty minutes late. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. She put on a hoodie that Lily had stolen and covered her head with the hood. There

There was only one possible explanation. The Renegades had her.

Rosalie stormed through the streets of Gatlon City, determined to get her sister back. Lily was the only member of her family left. She would not lose her like she'd already lost Momma and Dad, Aster and Poppy.

Rosie stood in front of Renegades Headquarters. She gulped. It was taller than she thought. She would have to be careful.

Fuck being careful, she thought. She needed to get Lily. She strode into the lobby, acting as confident as she could. Then she froze. Four very familiar Renegades stood next to each other, talking in low voices. Simon Westwood, Hugh Everhart, Adrian Everhart, and Nova Artino.

Rosie licked her lips nervously. Just keep going, she said to herself. She walked up to a man behind a desk. The nameplate on the surface read Sampson.

She put her hands on the table and leaned forward. "Where is Lilianna Scott being held," she said slowly.

"Sampson" looked at her in terror. He obviously recognized her.

"If you call for help, I will burn this building to the ground," she threatened.

He nodded. "She's being kept in the medical ward, on the fourteenth floor."

Rosie smiled. "Thank you."

She spun around, and headed towards the stairs. She figured that would be the less dangerous way. She walked as casually as she could.

About three stories up, she heard footsteps pounding on the stairs below. Either Sampson had alerted the council to her presence, or they had seen her face.

She began to jog up the stairs. "Damn all these stairs!" she cursed, annoyed.

Spinning around, she created a fire barrier, blocking the Renegades from following her. She continued running.

Finally, she reached the fourteenth floor. Everyone would know she was there by now. She made two fireballs and stormed her way through the facility, threatening anyone who tried to stop her. She set quite a few of them on fire.

At the very end was a sight she wasn't expecting to see. Her sister, strapped to a bed. Andrew Cox and Narcissa Cronin standing by her door, watching someone on the ground in horror.

The man was on the ground, writhing in pain as vines wrapped around him, pulling his limbs apart. Lily's face was twisted in anger. Rosie watched the man closely. She got a glimpse of his face. It was him. The Renegade who had rejected them all those years ago.

(hey guys! sorry for the late chapter. friday was busy, i had a bunch of school work and i got my haircut and i was too exhausted to write. only three days left of school, and then i should hopefully be able to update more frequently! i may have another chapter out today but we shall see.)

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