Rise of the Flowers and Flames Introduction

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Ace Anarchy has been defeated. The past year has been peaceful. The Renegades are thriving. But things aren't as quiet as they seem.

Cast of Characters
Inferno - Rosalie Scott
Nickname: Rosie
Can control fire and is immune to it, can also summon it
One weakness is water, doesn't need water to survive
14 years

Wildflower - Liliana Scott
Nickname: Lily
Has control over all plants and flora, can summon plants at will
17 years

Camo - Caroline Westwood
Can blend in with any surrounding
16 years
Is also Simon Westwood's niece

The Shifter - Andrew Cox
Can shapeshift into any kind of animal at will
17 years

Also included:
Sketch(Adrian Everhart)
Monarch(Danna Bell)
Red Assassin(Ruby Tucker)
Smokescreen(Oscar Silva)
Nightmare(Nova Artino)
Cyanide(Leroy Flinn)
Captain Chromium(Hugh Everhart)
The Dread Warden(Simon Westwood)
Tsunami(Kasumi Hasegawa)
Thunderbird(Tamaya Rae)
Magpie(Margaret White/Evie Artino)
The Bandit(Max Everhart)
Aftershock(Mack Baxter)
Narcissa Cronin

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