Chapter 1: Nova

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10 years. That's how much time had passed since Nova had been out of Cragmoor Penitentiary and on the streets of Gatlon City. Granted, she'd been in hiding, being an Anarchist, but still, at least she was able to walk around.

As she sat on the ferry that was taking her across the waters, she was once again struck by how lucky she was. In any other circumstance, she would've been locked away for the rest of her life. But, due to the information she gave the Renegade Council regarding the death of Georgia Rawles, or as the public had known her, Lady Indomitable, her sentence had been lowered to a decade in prison and fifty hours of community service.

"So, how does it feel to be out of Cragmoor?" asked the guard who had escorted her off the island.

Nova shrugged. "Weird, I guess."

"Not many people leave this place," he noted. "What'd you do?"

"I gave the council information about an unsolved murder."

She wondered if they'd ever caught Phobia, the murderer of Lady indomitable. Leroy had joined her two years after she'd been sent to the penitentiary. He had brought news that Honey and Ingrid had both died in a battle. Phobia had escaped, and of course, Winston had already been arrested. She hadn't seen him for a long time, though. He had left Cragmoor only a few months after she had arrived.

The boat docked, and the guard stood up, stretching. "Alrighty, Ms. Artino. Enjoy your freedom."

Nova thanked him and walked nervously off the boat. She was disappointed to find out that a crowd had gathered. People with cameras were shouting out questions and taking pictures. Lights flashed, and she flinched.

"Nova Artino?"

Nova jumped. She looked to the left and saw a semi-familiar face. Adrian Everhart.

He'd changed in ten years. He was still tall and muscular, but his features had matured. His brown eyes were skeptical, as if he didn't believe it was a good idea to let her go.

Nova walked over to him. "Adrian Everhart," she said.

"We have a car waiting to take you back to Renegades Headquarters. You have a meeting with the council."

He led her through the crowd. People stepped back as he walked by them.

"Ms. Artino!"

Someone grabbed Nova's wrist. She flinched violently, not used to human touch. She wrenched her hand free and glared at the man.

"Don't touch me," she hissed.

He backed away, his hands raised above his head. "Sorry," he muttered.

Adrian had paused. "Hurry up," he said.

Nova scowled and followed him the remaining distance to the car. In the front seat was a woman with blonde dreadlocks. Monarch.

Adrian opened the door for Nova, and she climbed in without thanking him.

"Was it bad?" Monarch asked Adrian as he climbed in the passengers seat.

"She didn't attack anyone, except for when some man grabbed her wrist."

Monarch nodded and started the car "I'm Danna Bell, by the way," she said, glancing at Nova's reflection in the mirror. "And I know who you are."

The car ride was quick. Nova zoned out as she watched the city go by.

When they got to Renegades Headquarters, another crowd of people was waiting for them to arrive. Adrian opened the door for her again, and with him and Danna on either side of her, they made their way to the front. Nova tried to keep her head down, but she found herself looking around at all the people.

Then she noticed someone familiar. Hauntingly familiar. He was tall, with blonde hair tied in a low ponytail at the nape of his neck. The man lifted his hand, waving. A smirk was across his lips.

Nova started to scream.

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