Chapter 17: Adrian

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Nightmare was escorted from the interrogation room. As she passed Adrian and his team, he tried to catch her eye. However, her gaze was fixed straight ahead.

The council followed the guards out. Adrian hurried over to Hugh.

"Are you going to arrest Phobia? He asked. "What about the other Anarchists? What are you going to do with Nightmare? Are you really going to let her off easy?"

Simon held up his hands. "Calm down, Sketch. I know you're excited. But we need to discuss this more. We'll tell you the decision tomorrow."

Adrian let out a big sigh.

"Come on, Adrian," Danna said, putting her hand on his back and leading him away.

The team headed towards the lounge. People whispered as they walked by.

One renegade walked up to their group. "Is it true that you guys captured Nightmare?" he asked.

Oscar nodded proudly. "I knocked her out."

The boy widened his eyes. "Really? That's awesome, dude."

"The council did most of the work, though. We were just there as back up," said Ruby.

"Is she going to Cragmoor?"

"I think so. She gave us some information so she might get a little bit lighter sentence," Adrian told him.

He raised his eyebrows. "What kind of information?"

"Information about the Anarchists, that kind of stuff," explained Danna.

"Guys," Oscar said suddenly. "I'm hungry, can we get some food?"

Ruby laughed. "Let's go!"

They said bye to the other boy and left, talking and laughing.

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