Chapter 25: Lily

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The room was filled with tension. The four council members stared at Lily. Lily stared back.

    "You're not going to attack, are you?" Captain Chromium asked, his blue eyes suspicious.

    Lily shook her head. "I don't have the energy anymore." Her head dropped, and she blinked back tears.

    "We have a few questions to ask you," said the Dread Warden. "You need to answer them honestly."

    She nodded. There was no point in fighting anymore. The one thing she had tried to prevent had happened. Rosie was hurt, dying even. And it was all her fault. If she had just stopped while she still could, they would be okay.

    "Why did you go up against us? What motivated you to do what you did?" asked Thunderbird.

    Lily kept her eyes on the floor. "We were angry. We needed the Renegades seven years ago, and you didn't do anything. The one who did find us did nothing. He just left us on the streets. We were only ten and seven."

    She looked up, her eyes swimming with tears. "You're supposed to help people. And you didn't. This isn't like Nightmare's story. There's no misunderstanding. We were rejected, and so we went to the person who didn't reject us. But you got him to betray us, too."

    The council exchanged a look. "Liliana. We are so sorry for the actions of Aftershock. He messed up. We wish we could help you, but you've lost that privilege with all the damage you've caused," the Captain said softly.

    Lily turned her head away, tears falling down her cheeks.

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