Chapter 7: Rosalie

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Up until this point, Rosie had been winning. Nightmare and Monarch were surrounded by flames. She could hear them coughing inside their rings as they inhaled smoke. But then, she heard the click of a gun, and glanced over to see Sketch holding a gun to Lily's head. The limp form of Red Assassin, who was wrapped in vines, was laying a few feet away.

    "Life or death," Sketch said.

    Rosie could hear Lily's breath hitch.

    Slowly, the vines around Red's body removed themselves from renegade's body and sank back into the ground. Adrian took the gun away from Lily's head and stepped back, releasing her.

    He then turned the gun towards Rosie. "Let them go."

    "Rosie," Lily said quietly. Her face was pale, and her eyes pleaded with Rosie to let them go. We can try again later. The plan was for them to know about us.

    The flames settled down, Monarch was unconscious. Nova was on her hands and knees, her body shaking with coughs.

    Adrian ran to them. "Are you okay?" he asked Nova.

    She nodded. "Danna..." she said, before she was wracked with coughs again.

    Rosie looked at Lily, who gave a sharp nod. Together, the two sisters ran into the night, not looking back.

(ayy i'm back. my headache has improved significantly since yesterday. i finished this chapter in history class instead of doing my project lmao. very short but i promise things will happen soon.)

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