Chapter 4: Nova

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Once again, Nova was in the back of a car. Adrian and Danna were speaking in low voices, probably discussing what the hell they were going to do with her.

    Both had been mad when the Dread Warden had announced she would be moving in with her, but Danna had been less verbal about it. Adrian had started arguing with his fathers.

    The remaining council members had ushered the other two men, Callum Treadwell and the other one with the cane, who Nova was pretty sure was Smokescreen, out of the room. She had sat in her chair for fifteen minutes while the three men shouted a bit.

    Adrian had stormed out of the room, telling Danna to meet him at his car so they could drive home.

    "Hey, Nova. What do you want for dinner?" asked Danna, from where she was sitting in the passenger's seat.

    Nova blinked. Dinner? At Craggmoor, there was only one meal a day. "I-I don't know."

    "Canes it is!" the Renegade shouted.

    "Canes? Really, Danna? We had that last week," Adrian complained.

    "Adrian. Nova has never had it before. I think her first food experience as a free citizen should be Canes."

    "You're starting to sound like Ruby when she was pregnant. Didn't she make Oscar take her to Wendy's every other week?"

    "I'm sorry that Raising Canes is the best restaurant."

    Nova smiled a little at their bickering. While it was clear they weren't a couple, they had a strong friendship. She was jealous of that. She'd never really had a friend. Winston, when she was younger, maybe. And Leroy had always been her favorite out of the Anarchists, but not exactly a friend. Maybe this was her chance to make some.

Half an hour later, Nova walked into Adrian and Danna's apartment, holding a lemonade and a box of hot food. It smelled heavenly. She hadn't had a warm meal in over ten years.

The inside of the apartment wasn't much, but after ten years in jail, it looked like the most comfortable thing she'd ever encountered.

    The main room consisted of a corner couch facing a T.V. on the wall. Blankets were piled on top of it, just waiting for someone to cuddle up under it. In front of the couch, a coffee table was littered with papers and a few books. A standing lamp was in the corner.

    Another corner of the large room had a long counter, with a sink, stove, and a fridge. Another counter across from it had stacks of dishes, both dirty and clean, waiting for someone to do something with them. A couple stools were on one side of the counter. The kitchen table had four chairs around it, and stacks of papers were on it.

A little ways away were two desks, both slightly messy. One had art supplies scattered across it, the other more papers.

Nova stood uncertainly in the center of the room, unsure where to sit. Danna set her box of food down and began to move some of the dishes, leaving room for three people to sit.

Nova took a seat on one of the stools and opened her box. The smell of warm bread and chicken wafted out, causing her stomach to growl. She realized then how hungry she actually was. She picked up her fries and began to eat.

After a moment, Nova was aware of Danna and Adrian watching her. She looked up from her food and glared.


Danna shook her head. "Nothing. You're just eating like you haven't had a full meal in years."

"That's because I haven't."

With that, she turned back to her food and continued to eat, leaving the two Renegades in stunned silence.

    After dinner, Adrian set up her new 'bed.' It was really a spot on the huge couch, with several blankets and a pillow

    "You're small," he said. "You won't need much space."

    Nova ignored the comment. Just because she was small didn't mean she wasn't capable of causing damage. She had almost assassinated Captain Chromium for God's sake. But she held her tongue.

    "What am I supposed to do now?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips. "It's only seven o'clock. I am not going to bed at seven."

    Adrian glanced at Danna, a question in his eyes. Danna shrugged.

    "We," he said, gesturing between himself and his friend, "were going to go hangout at the Silva-Tucker's house. But, if it's okay with them, we can bring you."

    Nova chewed on her lip. She didn't really feel like socializing. On the other hand, she didn't feel like staying here alone for several hours.


    Danna let out a big sigh and pulled out her cellphone, placing it to her ear and leaving the room.

    Nova and Adrian watched each other warily. He didn't trust her, and she didn't trust him. That's how it was before, and how it would always be.

    Nova decided she would work as hard as she could, so she could leave the Renegades behind forever and build her own life. She didn't want to stay in this apartment for a day, let alone a couple months.

    Danna came back out, nodding grimly. "You can come. But you have to be supervised at all times, and not go anywhere close to the babies. Oscar — or more likely Ruby — will kill you if you do."

(and i'm back! i had a busy month; i went to kentucky, michigan, and church camp, which were all really fun. i should be uploading regularly for a while now, at least until august. then band camp starts so things will be kinda crazy. anyway, i'm really excited for what's to come in this story, and i hope y'all are too! <3)

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