Chapter 10: Nova

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Nova let out a rattled laugh, though on the inside she was panicking. She couldn't get arrested. She'd be taken away from the Anarchists, her family.

"That's funny. You don't know how much you've hurt me already, and you're never going to stop."

Captain Chromium looked at her through narrowed eyes. "Nightmare, who are you?"

Nova met his gaze. "Like I'd tell you," she snickered. She regretted it immediately, as a fit of coughs racked through her body, and she slumped over, trying to regain her breath.

The Renegades just watched.

She heard the Dread Warden begin to speak, "Sketch, Red Assassin, help her up and we'll escort her back to headquarters. She can stay in the holding cells until her trial. We'll send a team to get the Anarchists."

(hey! so that was my last prewritten chapter of Nightmares i think, so updates will be a little more spread out from now on. thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!)

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