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hi guys!

so that was the last chapter of Nightmares! i hope you liked it. i had a lot of fun writing it with alternate reality aspect.

upcoming stories:

Rise of the Flowers and Flames: first
chapter will be posted tomorrow, so look out for that!

Daydreams: sequel to Nightmares. It'll take place 10 years after Nightmares, and i'm really excited for it! ill start posting it after RotFaF is finished.

thank you for over 200 views! it means a lot to me.

please vote and comment on chapters. i want to know your thoughts and theories, and votes are great too.

if you looked for Shapeshifter on my profile, it was deleted bc i didn't feel like it was ready to be public. i might repost it later, like when it's finished, but for now i'm going to keep it private so i can get it to a place i want it to be. if you're friends with me in real life and you want to read it, text me and i'll send you the document lol. if you don't,
sorry :/

lastly, thank you sm for reading Nightmares and i hope you enjoy the new story. ik renegades fics are scarce so i hope this helps people find what their looking for.

<3 luna_lovegoods_wife

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