Chapter 21: Liliana

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Of course they survived. These were Renegades who had faced Ace Anarchy, who had defeated Phobia, who had faced countless dangers. Lily had been foolish to believe that this plan would work. She had been cocky, still filled with adrenaline from her success at Renegades Headquarters. And now, they were on even higher alert. If that was even possible. It was only a matter of time before she and her sister were found. They would be arrested, tried, found guilty, and sent for Craggmoor. Forever. That would be it. No better world for them.

    Lily needed to get Rosie out of Gatlon City. She was in far too much danger. She couldn't care less what happened to her, but Rosie had to survive.

    She paced back and forth in the abandoned warehouse where they had been staying. Rosie was sleeping, exhausted after the amount of fire she had produced the night before.

    Lily brushed some tears out of her eyes. Mom, Dad, help me. Am I doing the right thing? Will this really get me what I want?

    She got no answer. Of course she didn't. Because her parents were dead. Just like Aster and Poppy. No one could help her. No one.

    Leroy was out of the question. He had betrayed their location to their enemies.

    Lily made up her mind right there. They would leave in two days. That was enough time for them to gather food and supplies. Then, they would leave Gatlon City forever.

    She was done with all this pain, all this anger, this need for revenge. In two days, she would never have to look back at the last seven years again. She would be free.

(will they actually leave in 2 days?? you'll have to wait until thursday to find out!)

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