Chapter 12: Nova

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This was so embarrassing. First, Nova had been tricked by a sixteen-year-old boy, then she had passed out, and now she was being arrested. She wished she had never kidnapped that goddamn renegade in the first place. She could hardly breathe after Smokescreen's attack, and now she was being dragged by Sketch and Red Assassin.

Honey would be disappointed. Ingrid, Leroy, and Phobia would be too. But worst of all was Ace. She shuddered at the thought of his disapproving gaze, remembering a time when she had eavesdropped on an Anarchist meeting back when she was young. He was her only blood-relative left, and she couldn't bear the thought of disappointing him.

Nova was put in the back of a car, still handcuffed. Captain Chromium slipped into the driver's seat, while the Dread Warden took the passengers' side and Thunderbird sat next to her.

They drove in silence. Nova stared out the window, trying to come up with an escape plan. Nothing sounded like it would work, though. They all involved running, and her lungs were shit.

Once they arrived at Renegades headquarters, she was taken out of the van by Dread Warden.

Groups of civilians were gathered around the tall building, and when the council emerged from the car, leading Nova through the crowd, they were swarmed with questions, lights flashing as people tried to get pictures of the famous superheroes.

"Captain, is this the infamous Nightmare that you have here?"
    "How did you catch her?"
    "Is she an Anarchist?"

They all ignored the questions. Nova felt her face grow hot, but kept her head high. She was an Artino. Even in chains, she still had more worth then any of these regular people.

Inside the headquarters, Renegades stopped to gawk as she was taken to what she guessed was jail cells. She was shoved into one of them, and the door slammed shut.

"We're going to question you in fifteen minutes. Be ready," said Captain Chromium. "After that, you'll be transported to Cragmoor."

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