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KITTY CURIOUSLY WATCHED as a White tiger with a huge scar under his left eye emerged from the bushes.

The tiger looked at the female in shock    ' is she not scared of me? ' he thought as he saw the female wave at him.

The beast slowly approached Kitty before transforming into a man and kneeling in front of her.

He was certainly a picture to look at. With slivery hair and sterling eyes and an amazing body.

' Are all the males in this world sculpted by Aphrodite or something? ' she thought starting at the beast in front of her

The beast was noticed her intensity starting at him felt a flutter of hope, yet he did not keep any expectations.

" What are you doing in the forest all by yourself female? I smell a male on you, where is he? " He asked why looking around to see if anyone was present

" I got lost " the female in front of him murmured, her head down as if she was feeling guilty.

" I am Winston, would you like to come with me? Me and my other beatsmen  were travelling to The Beast City "

" I am Katherine, but you can call me Kitty " she said nodding at him, a dimpled smile on her face that made Winston's heart flutter.

Before going Kitty carved out a message at a tree near the lake for Eros to see.

Imagine her surprise when she found out Eros could read. Apparently, his human ancestor had taught his ancestor to read and write, and that memory travelled down to his generation.

Winston watched the female carve weird symbols on the tree trunk with fascination.

Noticing his fascination, Kitty told him that this is their way of communicating with each other when they couldn't physically talk to each other. She happily answered all of his queries and asked him stuffs about the beastworld in return.

By the time they reached the other members of the travel group, Kitty had fallen asleep on top of Winston.

His groups men noticing him greeted in response but froze when they inhaled a sweet smell from his back.

Trailing their eyes up, they noticed a small female sleeping on the Beasts back.

" Who is this? " A curious male voiced out, grabbing the attention of the females that had settled themselves in the makeshift cave.

" I found her near the lake, she said she was lost. So, i offered to take her to The Beast City." He explained, returning to his man self. Holding the sleeping female in his arms

Now that the males could see her clearly, they were fascinated with her beauty. She had, had to be the most beautiful female they had seen.

Eros on the other hand was frantically trying to follow his mate's smell, when he came across a lake.

He badly panicked when he smelled another beast with his female, but then her scent lead him to the tree she had craved into.

Eros noticed that she had purposefully left a few strands of her hair for him to follow.

" I met a tiger beastmen named Winston, he and his group are traveling there. "

Eros finally took a sigh of relief and made a mental note to thank the beast.

' perhaps he could join the family '

Eros was again about to follow his female's scent when he caught another scent lingering in the air, not far from where his mate and the tiger beast had stood.

The relief from his face vanished and turned into a frown when he caught the same scent before leaving the cave.

This beast was already attracted to his mate, he had to get to her and keep her safe.

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now