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The snow had finally started melting, and the village was bathed in a blanket of moist, muddy earth. Water ran through the narrow alleyways, filling the air with a faint, earthy aroma.

There were little roars of cubs as they splashed about in the muddy puddles, making their way through the village's main street with playful ease.

Kitty wondered if it was because of the two suns blazing in the sky that the snow seemed to melt faster than she remembered. She leaned back against the moist walls of her house, softly patting the sleeping tiger on her stomach.

They have been quite clingy, Winston and Alpin - ever since the last week of winter they had barely left her side and would occasionally sniff her laying against her stomach. Especially Alpin, who refused to leave his female's side, only when Harvey dragged him out of the house did he finally leave.

Maybe it was the estrus of females in the air that made them clingy, it had been sometime since they last mated.

Kitty shifted her weight when she left the tiger lift his head "Good afternoon" she kissed his head and Winston licked her face making her laugh.

Winston loved the sound of her laugh.
It was like the chirp of a bird, sending a jolt of pure joy through his bones. Winston gave a soft chuff and rubbed his head against Kitty's neck. The way her whole body shuddered as she laughed made Winston's heart jump. Her smile was everything to him, and she made him feel like he was the most important tiger in the world.

Winston yawned widely, stretching her jaws and claws as he woke up from his nap. He stood up, shaking the sleep from his fur, and stretched his muscles in a slow and lazy manner. His fluffy tail swished slowly back and forth. After a while, a content purr left his throat and he stalked up to Kitty lowering his back, asking her to get on.

Just a Kitty was about to get up, a ball of white dashed to her, knocking her back down. Alpin's tail swished wildly, his ears pushed back as the white fox got on top of Kitty, licking her face and whining as if telling her about how much he missed her.

"You saw me in the morning"

"It's been so long since morning, the sun is in the middle of the sky." Alpin shifted hugging her by the waist.

Winston let out a deep sigh and instead just plopped back beside Kitty, rubbing his head on her stomach.

"And here I thought you would be bwaling your eyes out because you missed me so much"  a cheeky voice hissed making Kitty sit up staight and bang her head against the male's.

"Oow........ you're back" She pulled Eros into a hug who gave a deep chuckle. "I missed you so, so much"

"I missed you too" Eros kissed her



"Get a room"

"We just got up, let my eyes mesmerise the Wonderous nature and not your obscenity"

Four voices that Kitty had missed the entire winter hissed. Kitty swiftly laid Winston's head on the ground, pushed both Eros and Alpin and ran to her little children, who she thought looked like they had reduced half of their weights

"My goodness, look at you. You look so thin - my boys look like sticks. Have you had anything? Are you hungry? Do you want mum to make anything?" She hugged them all making them twist and turn a little before they gave up and basked in their mother's embrace

"Look at her" Eros gaped "I was gone too, where's my concern? I look like a stick too"

"Eros your mouth tasted like blood, I'm sure you had something" Kitty retorted

"Forget about you, I'm offended she forgot us" Alpin whined throwing his legs on Eros "why are you so cold" he snatched it back

"Because I'm a snake? Why are you so warm?"

"These moments make me think my husbands mated me for each other"

And before either of the males could argue back, Alpin and Eros both stood stifly. Alpin suddenly shifted, sniffing the air and the ground while Eros flicked his forked tongue in the air.

Kitty stood there confused about the sudden alertness of both the males. Winston too sniffed the air wondering if there was anything threatening near them.

Suddenly Kitty found herself on Eros's arms, his Eyes were slited and his tongue was still flickering in the air

"Take her" Alpin said and Eros agreed

"Take me where? What's going on?"

"It's going to flood" Eros hissed.

"We have to tell others" Kitty said


"What do you mean, no? Put me down"


"Eros we have to save others, those people will die and I will not stand by knowing I could have very well saved them" Kitty argued with tears threatening to fall. How could she not tell them? There were cubs playing just this morning. She was a mother, she wouldn't want any children dying - there were beasts and females in this village. If she did not have Alpin and Eros to inform her beforehand, she might as well be caught in the flood.

"I do not care about others, it's you I care about. I can't give a damn if they died - you, you are my priority" Eros hissed angrily

"If I am your priority, you listen to me. I will inform them - WINSTON! help me"

Winston didn't know what to do, he absolutely agreed with the feral. Kitty was their first priority but Kitty was right as well, those in this village deserve to know what's coming for them and he couldn't bare watching his mate guilt herself for the death of those beasts and females.

Winston swiftly came by Kitty's side as Eros hissed in answer. Winston roared back"

"Lest's not fight amongst us. We do not have much time left. As much as I, as a mate, agree with Eros - as a healer, I agree Kitty" Alpin said sternly and both the males nodded.

Winston ran down to the main street of the village, His deep roar thundered all around the village, forming a huge crowd around him

"It's about to flood" Alpin shouted. His image as a healer as made him a very accomplished figure in the village and the residents tended to listen the influential.

The village was in a panic. The people began to run wildly in all directions, some going to the hills, while others ran to higher ground within the village. The fear and sheer panic on the faces of the villagers said it all, as they tried desperately to find a way to safety from the impending flood.

The villagers rushed out of their homes and ran quickly towards the hills. They knew the flood was coming soon, and wanted to make it out safely. As they ran, some stumbled and tripped over things, slowing their progress. However, most of them made it to the hills without much trouble. They knew this was their best chance of survival, and prayed to their gods for the flood to spare them.

Kitty and her family stood with them. Alice had her little arms circled around Kitty's neck, refusing to look at the village. Sobs and cries of females was all she heard within the violently rushing of water.

They all stood on the high ground, looking down in sadness at their once thriving and peaceful village being flooded by the rising waters. For many, that was home, where they had grown up and lived their lives. Now, it was underwater, slowly and silently disappearing under the rising tide. The villagers watched in dismay as their fields and orchards were engulfed, their crops destroyed. The river's wrath had descended on them with no regard for their well-being, leaving them stranded and helpless.

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