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"Are you really leaving" Qingqing sulked looking towards the female in front of her who was packing

" I am " Kitty replied not even looking up from the kitchenware she had been packing

" Why?"

"Why do you think we're here? It's probably because the one who bought us here wanted us to make the beasts lives more easier. What's the point of bringing to girls if they are going to stay at the same place. This world is huge, the other places need some assistance too " Kitty sighed finally looking up

" And the ape's dead too, you can live here peacefully. My parents jobs required us to travel a lot, staying in one place is just not me " Kitty smiled placing a hand on Qingqing's shoulder

"I know, it's just I'll feel lonely"

"Lonely? Girl you have two mates and that eagle looked like he fancied you too" Kitty gave Qingqing a suggestive wink

" I-I do-don't know. Polymagy feels weird " Qingqing stuttered and blushed

" It's the way of this world, and if you ask me. Sex is a lot better and exciting" Kitty shrugged

"Don't say it like that "

Kitty looked at the girl before her and smiled cheekily " why ever so? Did you just pop babies after hugging? "

"It's emabrassing "

" It's really not, sex is a necessity. Maybe because you're seventeen, grow up a bit and you'll start craving it "

"Where are you going? " Qingqing asked changing the topic

" To Alpin's city. But before that we'll stay at Camel Hump Valley "

" Alpin? Your fox? "

Kitty nodded " not mine yet, Hasn't marked me yet "

" You can stay at Parker's house in Camel Hump, we're not staying there anyway" Qingqing hummed

"I'll ask my men " kitty said in gratitude

Early next morning, Kitty with her family and Shuu set out for Camel Hump Valley.

She placed a note and a few medicines she had made on Qingqing's front porch as a thank you for letting them stay in Parker's house.

If her males asked her about the letter

That's her lookout.

Although they weren't carrying most of the furniture and were incapable of holding anything more, Kitty still plucked every little plant she saw, placing them inside the Little baskets she made her snakes hold.

It was hilarious, four snakes as big as cows holding four small baskets in their mouths.

It took them the entire day to get to Camel Hump Valley with stopping only twice for food and relieving themselves.

The group walked towards the leopards standing gaurd, introducing themselves. Although the leopards bowed down to Winston and Shuu, they stared suspiciously at Eros and the snakes.

Kitty glared at the leopards who flinched at the female's pressure.

She had no visible stripes, how was she so terrifying?

The group ventured around the village until they reached  Parker's old hut,

Many curious bachelors and females with their males and cubs looked from their windows at the newcomers. The female looked really pretty, it had the bachelors wondering if they stood a chance

Parker's hut had been neglected since they'd moved to the city. The roof had a Few places that needed rethatching and everything inside was covered in dust.

There was a bed made of straws that had rotted through the animal hide making Kitty gag.

Even if them all were tired enough to just fall asleep on the ground. Parker's smell all around the hut disgusted them.

Kitty liked it when she didn't have super senses because the smell of Parker's piss was so bad, she ran out the hut.

" I can't sleep there " she said with her face scrunched in disgust

" Neither can I " Eros walked out, his palm covering his nose.

" Get working boys, We're gonna have a long night " Kitty stretched and went through all the stuffs she had packed.

Kitty called her sons, tying animal hides on their tails and handing each of them one

" Get sweeping " she tooted them inside

" That's really unfair " Ophi whined

" You wanna clean the sandbox? " Kitty raised her brow and the snakes raced each other inside

" Winston could you please boil some water " she called him and handed him a pot.

" Shuu please mash up these grass and collect their oils in a pot " she pointed at the same grass she had used to make her mattresses.

The oils from the grass was a little soapy in texture, prefect For washing hair and cleaning the house.

" Alpin, can you fix the roof? " She looked at the roof, through which she could clearly see the two moons and hairpin sized mosquitoes buzzing outside

After everyone went to do their respective jobs, It was just Kitty and Eros.

" You, go clean the sandpit " Kitty gave him a sheepish grin

" Why? "

" You're useless in house cleaning" she shrugged, sorting the herbs she picked on her way into different jars

" I can tie a hide around my tail and so help my sons, they are only one. They'd need their father "

" And demolish the already on it's last stick hut? No thanks " she pointed her finger at him " and don't you say my one year old would need my help, you literally threw them into puddles yesterday, just for shits and giggles " she glared at him

Eros walked away with his head down. " I'll remember this " he whined on his way out

" I'll make you fish "

" Done " he gave Kitty finger guns before disappearing from the sight.

Kitty chuckled at how easy to was to bribe Eros.

The group of four snakes plopped on the makeshift bed, tangling amongst each other as Kitty covered them with a blanket

" You guys did a great job " she kissed each of them on their foreheads

Looking around the hut, she felt pleased. It was clean, it smelled like lavender and vanilla and most importantly. It did not freaking smell like Parker's piss.

The roof was also fixed enough to not let mosquitoes or any other insects in.

She walked towards the other end of the hall where Shuu was sitting and handed him a pillow and a blanket.

" Sorry you gotta sleep on the floor, there was only one bed " she smiled pointing at her snakes

" It's fine " Shuu shook his head.

If he were to be honest, it was the first time he saw a female give her comfortable items to her children rather than keep it herself.

It was a different perspective, he had never seen any children recieve so much love from a female.

It was a good difference

A/n - sorry guys. I had my birthday a few days back and then I caught fever. I did not have anymore drafts left that I could just edit and publish.

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