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" It's so dark! I can't see anything " Alice giggled "you can see in the dark right? How do I look? "

" You look the same to me? " Winston replied, not sure about what to say

"Dad used to say that I look like a ghost in the dark" She groaned

"Now that you mention it, you do look like a ghost " Alpin said

" A scary white ghost " Eros added

" How dare you! " Alice gasped hitting Eros's shoulder with her fists "you both are so mean. Alice is now sad, and it's because of you two " She pointed at the two snickering males

" she is behaving so much like Kitty" Shuu remarked

" well ofcourse, she's my teacher afterall" Alice crossed her arms and leaned onto the wall

That was true. Alice had been staying at Kitty's for a week now and had taken upon herself to follow kitty everywhere like a little duckling. She was fascinated by the stuffs Kitty did and so Kitty taught her basic stuff about hygiene, how to clean her teeth using a tree branch - how cleaning herself up everyday is actually good for her own body.

But Alice wasn't even momentarily interested in these. Yes, she did understand the importance of hygiene but honestly felt like it was a very overwhelming practice. She liked getting dirty and playing more.

She especially found her first love in Kitty's dagger collection. Five daggers made out of different rocks, all varying in colours and textures and one dagger she couldn't quite tell the material of. It was comparatively lighter than the other daggers but it was also sharper.

The idea of such a small object piercing through someone's heart and successfully killing them was even more fascinating.

But not everyone in the family thought it was fascinating. The snakes and Winston were rightfully concerned for their females mental health.

Alice's first hunt had been a small rabbit that she had proudly shown everyone only to be dropped into the bath by Winston next moment.

Although he did praise her for her little achievement, he was absolutely against staining the wooden floors of the house with blood.

Kitty had thankfully agreed.

Everything was going well, perhaps too well because just say Alpin and Eros were about to challenge Shuu and Alice into a food fight - of who can eat the most, the door to their house was banged loudly.

Kitty who was the nearest to the door flinched and opened the door with a scowl on her face.

Theere stood a woman with a plain appearance with short brown hair and dull brown eyes. She looked unkempt and dirty, with matted hair and a very dirty body. The smell of urine and meat filled the air, and Kitty noticed that the woman's belly was sticking out, giving her a pregnant look. The woman's clothes were torn and stained, and she seemed to be struggling to stay stood up. She looked as if she hadn't showered in weeks, and the smell coming from her was making Kitty feel sick. But despite her appearance, something about the woman seemed familiar to Kitty.

She looked towards the four males that were standing on both her sides and behind her. They all were very dashing, yes. But, the frown on their pretty faces was very annoying to Kitty. Who are even they to bang at her door at such an ungodly hour and then frown at her? These people were begging for a good scratch to their faces.

Because of her newly heightened senses, Kitty could hear Alice's footsteps that had halted behind the wall seperating the hall from the bedroom. She was utterly confused when she heard Alice mutter a horrified "mother" and run back inside.

No wonder the woman looked familiar

"What do you want?" Kitty asked suspiciously

" You have stolen my female cub " The woman yelled and started wailing loudly

All the beats with their females or alone had by now gathered outside Kitty's house to watch the drama

Kitty felt Eros and Winston stand behind her and Alice in Shuu's arms came right behind them.

The woman leaped into the house right when she saw her daughter and tried to snatch Alice from Shuu's arms.

Even though Shuu wanted to bash the female's head onto the wall for trying to even claim the little girl in his arms, he couldn't do that. Not when his actions would backfire on Kitty who had been trying so hard to make the little girl's life a little better.

Alice gave a loud cry and clung herself to Shuu, her little nails digging on Shuu's neck. It didn't hurt him physically ofcourse, but his heart shattered seeing the little bundle in his arms cry.

" leave my cub, you wolf " The woman shouted at Shuu and raised her hand to hit him

Kitty dashed in front of Shuu and held the woman's arm, glaring furiously at her.

" Just what do you think you're doing? " she held the woman's wrist tightly, cornering her towards the opposite wall " Try to touch anyone in my house and I will break these useless hands of yours"

The woman's males stiffened hearing the balant threat at their female and growled at Kitty's males, who merely stared back at them

"Alice, darling. Do you want to go back? "

"Absolutely not. That woman is vile and disgusting and I do not wish to maintain any relationships with her" Alice said

Kitty proudly chuckled at her speech and turned towards the woman who was whimpering under her.


When a sea of "yes" and growls rang outside, Kitty grinned at Alice's mother and pushed her outside before slamming the door shut on their faces

" Don't come back or I'll make you a practice dummy for Alice " Kitty yelled from the window and dropped the curtains

"How do you feel? " Kitty asked the girl

"Wonderful" Alice leaned backwards at the four tails coiled behind her.


Do you think I'm rushing the story or is the pace alright? Do tell me if you have any advice.

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