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Kitty woke up to Eros running his hands through her hair, his head on her stomach which she was cuddled up to Winston's belly in his beast form.

The contrast of the warmth and cold from her two males were so comfortable that Kitty almost drifted back to sleep.

" Morning dove " Eros greeted kissing her exposed belly.

Wait, exposed?

Kitty looked down at herself and found herself naked?

They certainly didn't have sex last night, how was she naked?

Well not totally naked, considering she was still wearing her underwear.

The events of the hit her as she realised how embarrassing it actually was. She was the one who removed her dress out of frustration because apparently her dress got stuck everytime she turned sides or either one of her males slept on the hems.

It was an apparent reason, sleep is more important than adjusting a dress hundreds of times.

" Morning" Kitty finally mumbled kissing Eros on his forehead and lifting her head to kiss Winston's neck. Who purred in content.

They were all up after sometime, sure it was full of struggles as they were rather too comfortable.

Winston waved Kitty goodbye and went out for his duties and hunting.

Kitty who had plucked a few mint plants took out the neatly wrapped leave and checked the still fresh plants.

She would not like, she totally forgot about the mints.

Kitty dug the soil in their front porch and planted the mint, she slpashed the soil with little water.

Mint grew like weed, she would not have to take a lot of care.

" Can we go out? I'm bored " she asked the beast who was taking a lazy sunbath

" Sure "

Kitty grinned and took a animal hide, handing Eros two more on the way.

Walking out she moved straight towards the forest. The forest here wasn't as dense and lush where they had first met, so Kitty figured there might be a few veggies she could recognise.

The word veggies made Kitty salavate, it had been almost a month since she was dropped in this world and she had not tasted a single vegetable since then. She had eaten fruits, but that was also only twice or thrice.

Her body was screaming for some roughage and carbs.

The first thing she found were onions, she hummed a happy tune and placed it inside her animal hide bag.

She also found some potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce and carrots.

And she found this very strange. It was almost as if, someone had a garden here because of how close these vegetables were grown to each other.

What was even more strange was that, there were mangoes and oranges were growing at the same time.

One being a summer fruit and the other being winter. Both growing during monsoon.

Kitty came to a conclusion that this world is weird and in this world they both are monsoon fruits or they grow all year around.

Lastly Kitty picked up some berries and herbs like oregano, tumeric, neem, Tulsi, cilantro and rosemary.

She also had broken some of the branches of the neem tree, they make amazing toothbrushes and along with mint. This will ensure her dental health even with toothpaste and toothbrush.

When the duo returned with three full bags of vegetables, herbs and fruits they were met with Winston carrying a bird and a few things already inside the house.

Kitty kissed Winston when she saw a bag of rice and four jars worth of salt. He had also bought back a bag of cotton and some medicine.

Which she was definitely going to use as spices and not medicine.

Kitty begged her males to let her cook tonight, to which they hesitated at first and only agreed when she agreed to let them help.

So there was Winston skining the bird which reminded Kitty a lot of a chicken.

Eros was making rice.

And Kitty was making a sourplum sauce to eat with chicken.

Now she did not have sugar to add so she boiled the leaves of a plant called Stevia Rebaudiana, and added them to her sauce. They contain natural chemicals that make its leaves taste sweet.

She used the pots they had and served each of them with roasted chicken, the sauce and steaming hot rice.

It wasn't a very fancy dish, but since she had been eating bland food for around a month, eating food with a lot of taste would make her nauseous and upset her stomach, so this was a good option for food.

" Kitty what is this?" Eros asked licking the sauce from his pot - plate

" It's a sour plum sauce, it was pretty popular from where i came from "

" It's delicious" he praised

Winston didn't say anything, but the twitch of his ears and the continuous wagging of his tail spoke more than words.

No matter the species, Winston was still a cat.

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now