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As soon as the trio reached their house,
Kitty was immediately taken to the bed.

Winston rushed back to the stove outside the house and started boiling some water.

Eros who was with Kitty was trying to keep her awake.

For the, the pain from her leg had taken over her senses, all she knew was that she was in pain.

She could recognise her house because the way it smelled. But, that's it. She had no inkling as to what was happening around her.

The baby snakes who saw their mother drapped in blood panicked and raced towards her.

" Is she alright? " Neheb hissed

" Her heart's still thumping" Serpen hissed, his tail coiled around his mother's wrist

" That's your standard? She's dripping blood! " Draco hissed at the duo in annoyance

" Well, atleast we know our mother is alive. Shut up now " Ophi hissed at all of them

Eros watched his sons in mild amusement before Winston came back with a pot of lukewarm water and some clean animal hides

The duo pushed the snakes outside the bedroom. Which, they revolted against and failed.

Eros and Winston sat down and cleaned all the blood on Kitty's body. Occasionally marvelliing when they realised the blood wasn't her's.

A few minutes later, the duo found only a few scratches and a twisted ankle.

How she got no severe scars? They didn't know.

" I heard you require a healer? " A male's voice rang outside their house

Winston nodded at Eros and got up to get the doctor inside.

He was a tall, well - built, fox beastman with snow-like hair and mercury eyes.

" Alpin " he bowed

" Winston" he bowed back. Perhaps it was a tradition in the fox tribe because Winston had never witnessed anyone bow as a greeting.

What surprised Winston more was that the male in front of him did not seem stunned at the huge snow cave he was entering.

It was as if, all this was quite normal to him.

Alpin on the other hand felt his body going hay-wire as he felt Kitty's presence.

Sure he had been with Kitty for months but never as close as he was today.

But before he could even enter the room and see the beautiful female, he felt someone push him hard.

Well the other person thought he pushed him hard because Alpin stood there, not even moving an inch.

Winston who saw this changed into his beast form and growled at Alpin.

' How did a no-striped beast stay on his feet when Eros clashed with him? '

Eros who Winston had usually seen as the cheeky male, had his iris diluted.

And for the first time, Winston witnessed the gigantic beast form of Eros.

A huge Black Mamba who only fit in the house because the his tail trailed outside.

His olive scales shone in the sunlight, and his fangs bared at Alpin threateningly

Alpin just casually stood there, not even acknowledging the two males who were ready to tear him to shreds if he moved.

He just turned around Eros and went straight into the bedroom, where the beautiful female was laid.

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now