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"According to Eastern medicine, bamboo shoots are a superfood with many health benefits. It helps with digestion, immunity, inflammation, energy levels, skin health, and anti-aging effects. It also supports a healthy and balanced microflora in the digestive tract and overall health and wellness." Qingqing continued her rambling as Kitty enjoyed the bamboo shoot stir-fry

Chinese take outs? Nah. She had Qingqing.

"Can I try some?" Bluepool turned his head to look at Bai Qingqing and earned a smack on his head from Kitty.

"This is the fifteenth time I'm telling you not to move your head" kitty scowled redoing the entire line of braid on Bluepool's head.

Who said braiding was fun? It was bloody annoying. Especially when the person in question was no better than a child

Shuu and Parker who had decided to accompany the two females burst in a fit of giggles when the merman pouted. Qingqing too let out a laugh as he pictured Bluepool's pouting face with that of a pufferfish

But Bluepool's pouty face soon turned to shock as he realised everyone was pointing and laughing at him. He turned sharply towards Kitty and shouted, “What is so funny?! I’m adorable!”

Kitty grabbed a portion of his hair and pulled the male towards her. "You begged me to braid your hair. Bluepool, I swear if you don't stay put, I will chop your hair off"

Bluepool gasped and stayed still as Kitty began to braid his hair. “Fine…” he mumbled, gritting his teeth from the painful pulling on his head. Kitty was being very rough when fixing his hair, as if she couldn’t care less about the pain he was feeling. His pouty face got more intense as he watched the rest giggling at the sight of him getting his hair plaited.

Just when things had started to calm down, a loud roar shocked the group and Shuu had suddenly shifted, standing in front of Kitty. The hair around his neck had spiked up and his tail was almost straight.

Kitty took a step back when Shuu snarled, showing his canines. Parker had followed Shuu and was standing in front of Qingqing.

From Kitty's line of vision. The only thing she could see was a big mass of black - something pincer

The group was stunned at the sudden appearance of the giant scorpion. It was massive, and its stinger looked deadly. The scorpion lowered its pincer-like appendages toward the group.

The giant scorpion lunged suddenly, its stinger aimed at Shuu. Shuu ducked and avoided the stinger thrust, then jumped up and began to tear at the scorpion with his fangs and claws. Parker swung his tail around to protect Qingqing. The scorpion attempted to back away, but Shuu's claws held tight. It's stinger shot out again, but this time, Shuu grabbed the stinger with his jaws and wouldn't let go. Shuu tore into the scorpion's body, and Parker helped by digging his claws at the scorpion's sides.

As if one Scorpion wasn't enough. Kitty noticed three or four more appear from behind the bushes. While both Parker and Shuu were strong, The scorpions were more in number.

Bluepool grabbed Kitty's leg and motioned her to get inside the huge bubble he had made.

Qingqing was frozen in fear, and she seemed unable to move. Her eyes were wide with terror and her breath was coming in quick shallow gasps. She was staring at the scorpions that were surrounding the group. Shuu and Parker were fighting for their lives, but the scorpions were too many to fight.
Kitty tried to get Qingqing's attention, but the girl didn't even seem to notice her. She was just staring at the scorpions, her eyes filled with fear.

Shuu managed to tear away a chunk of the scorpion's exoskeleton, but there were still more scorpions surrounding the group. Parker was still protecting Qingqing, but the scorpions' numbers were increasing.
Kitty realised she needed to do something if the group was going to survive. She tried once more to get Qingqing's attention.

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now