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It was already the third month of winter.

The net Kitty had made supported the weight of the snow very well. But she was rather confused when the she did not find the ice in powdery form, rather it was compressed and even had little crecent shaped cuts for ventilation of air.

It was like someone had done the job for her.

Winston too had frowned upon this, whoever was trying to impress his female was definitely very strong because he couldn't even smell the beast.

Kittt was also absolutely right about the fact that the igloo like structure would keep her house much warmer, and the lack of snow on her garden allowed the plants to survive.

It was easily around sixteen degrees inside whereas it was negative outside.

She had also used thin blocks of ice in her makeshift refrigerator that contained vegetables, jams and some medicines.

Right now, Kitty was snuggled in between Winston's arms who stared at her with pure adoration.

His eyes flicked down to her bare chest that adorned a stretching tiger on her sternum with it's tail coiled around her right breast.

Winston found his mark rather funny.

It is a known fact that the closet marks are to a female's chest, the more she loves her mate.

But a lesser known fact is that, the mark appears as how your mate perceives you.

To Kitty, Winston was a harmless big cat and so his mark was stretching

And for Eros's mark, The head of the snake was resting on her left breast while the snake's body was coiled around her back, resting on her right hip. Winston wouldn't be sure of what that represented but he had a hunch that Kitty saw Eros as someone ' possesive of his possession ' and she would be right ofcourse.

As cunning as snakes are, they also dislike sharing their mates.

And the only reason Eros was okay with sharing Kittu was because his human side reasoned with his beast side, calming him down.

" Wake up, moonlight" Winston whispered, his breath hitting Kitty's ears

He often thought about how the moonlight shone on Kitty when he first met her. The way her dual eyes shined like the stars, it was as if the moon goddess had herself led Winston to her.

And so in the honour of both the goddess and memory, Winston called Kitty " his moonlight"

She was the shining light that had brightened his dark life.

Kitty groggily mumbled something that Winston could make out as ' hungry ' and Chuckled.

He got up and prepared some soup for her.

At first he was really worried about why Kitty was eating so less, but then got used to it.

Her appetite during winters tend to run low.

And the only reason she could think of was because of the lack of physical activities during winters.

When Winston came back with the bowl he found kitty braiding her hairs.

He place the bowl on the table and walked to stand behind her.

Winston took the hairband Kitty had made out of animal hides, and tied her hair. He placed her braided hair on her left shoulder and buried his face on her right.

" You are so beautiful" she heard him mumble

Kitty blushed and turned around to kiss him. Her shy cat had certainly gotten bolder over the months.

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now