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The village stood silent under the early morning fog as it slowly started to lift, allowing the sunlight to filter through and bring the world to life. The melting snow and ice had left tiny puddles and streams in their tracks, covering the forest in a carpet of frost. The trees and plants surrounding the village sparkled in the light, their branches and leaves covered in frozen dew drops. The river running around the outskirts of the village was calm and still, as if the land was still stuck in a deep sleep. The birds were yet to return to their nest, the forest was still silent and at peace.

And also the time, Kitty was finally allowed to leave her house. Due to getting sick from the smallest of change, Kitty was strictly prohibited from going out during this cold season. No matter how much Kitty protested that this was just a common cold and she wasn't sick because of winters, they didn't agree.

Kitty took a seat beside the tranquil lake, taking deep breaths of the cool, crisp winter air. It was the perfect setting for some much-needed solitude. As a human with a love for nature and alone time, she was deeply grateful for this precious opportunity to be by herself. Even though she loved her family, their constant presence could often be a bit overwhelming. This few hours to herself was just what she needed.

Beats on the other hand might not feel the same. Males in this world tended to stick by their female for as long as they could and the females too basked in the attention they recieved. From what Eros had told her, the last time he went into hibernation - leaving behind your mate is painful, it's like physical pain without bruises. It leaves them empty.

"You know you can just come out, right?"
Kitty sighed. She had long back smelled Shuu hiding, keeping an eye on her.

Winston was out checking the parameters and defences of the village, with the arrival of spring, many females were sure to get their estrus - which meant ferals being pulled by their smell of estrus and mating.

Alpin on the other hand was doing rounds with Harvey, who had gotten very close to Kitty's family. Harvey understood that Kitty was just naturally blubby and friendly and that wasn't her giving him any sings - and so he kept a distance, which Kitty respected. Males and females weren't friends in this world, which was really sad, but it would be worse to make a male think he has a chance and leading them on. Alice insisted on going with Alpin because she truly loved whatever Harvey fed her, being born from a sheep male she had a natural craving for legumes.

Legumes were a hard crop to come by in this world and voyagers, who often passed by the village gifted Harvey many plants and medicine as payment. Harvey never really had a use of these, since he usually hunted meat.

And then there was Shuu, keeping an eye on her while the others did whatever job they had to do.

Shuu walked from behind the trees into the clearing. He didn't think she would notice.

"Aren't the flowers lovely?"

Shuu infact didn't find the flowers lovely. It was just a bunch of plain flowers, which they would have to destroy soon. Weeds weren't exactly the best thing with how less the food resources already are. But, he did know one thing. Those flowers would look beautiful decorated on Kitty's hair.

Kitty never really noticed Shuu before but, his wolf-like appearance was somewhat altered by his softer, more docile personality. His grey hair was tinged with slight orange streaks underneath his eyes, and his ears were soft and floppy as they swayed in the breeze. He also had a fluffy grey tail that he seemed to be happily wagging back and forth.

She really wanted to touch his tail.

And ears

Or maybe even pat him

"Would you still rather stand with Bai Qingqing?" Kitty asked suddenly, digging her nails on the blue paw print on her thumb.

"No" Shuu replied and gave a smile of his own when he saw the faint upward twitch on the female's lips.



I have started writing a new "Beastworld" story. Although, I will not publish it until I finish this story - I tend to get distracted very easily. I will give a shot glimpse into the story........bcuz I'm dying to write more of this story, you should feel the same about reading it.


"That's the upas tree" he smirked looking at the blank expression on the female's face but her eyes betrayed her calm demeanor - it was that slight look of recognition that flashed Through her eyes before they went back to being cold.  "And I beleive you know what it is"

"Why would you think I know about this tree?" Jade calmly asked

"Don't you? I won't believe you if you said you didn't - I've seen you plucking poisonous flowers with your feral mate. I was suspicious yet I did not tell anyone" he sighed

Was he really trying to corner her so that she has no other variables and spills out everything? Jade would have to give him that, he was smart

"I do know about the tree. Although, I wonder why ever would you let it grow if you know how dangerous a single petal of this tree is"

The man was taken back by the female's question. He didn't expect her to realise he was trying to set her up. Things just got a lot more interesting

"That's not for me to concern about, it's my brother's" he smiled

Hehehheeh.......how is it? You'll be getting more of this after I finish this book. This is also a Beauty and the Beasts fanfic btw

P.s. I'm not even halfway through this book, so enjoy

I bet you can't guess who's brother he is..... maybe u can, I won't tell tho....and he comes a lot later in the book, and I haven't thought of anything in the middle

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