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Kitty watched the wolf as he wrapped himself with the blanket. His ears that were still out, were dropped to sides

" I'm sorry for saving you, I just wanted to return the favour to the one who saved me " she mumbled

" I know. I'm sorry for yelling. I know you have good intentions " Shuu quitely said

" Is there anyway I can help you? "

" If you really want to help me, take me as your mate "

" We both know why I wouldn't let you be my mate "

Kitty did not want to be mates with someone who was with her only because she was fbs the last option and between the two of them, they both knew it very well that Shuu would always choose to save Qingqing over Kitty had he not been bonded to her.

Them being mates would just be a formality and not a relationship.

There would be no love

And she wouldn't want that for her cubs, if they were to mate.

" Why was I almost killed? "

Shuu sat down staring at her. Any other female wouldn't have figured out, they would believe they got caught up in the mess

" It's the Ape king "

" Him? " A voice growled behind them

Winston came inside with Alpin and Eros behind him

" Was trying to kill me not enough that he's after my mate now? "  Winston's beast aura started surrounding the house like a deadly flood so Alpin flicked him on the head causing Winston to fall down.

" That hurt "

" Think before you release your aura, you dumb cat "

Before their petty fight could continue, Eros who was half transform used his tail to slap the duo's face towards Kitty who had one brow raised and her hands on her hips.

And Winston knew this was going to be bad.

" How was I not informed about the Ape trying to kill you? And judging from their - " she pointed at Alpin and Eros " they knew "

Winston fidled with the hem of his animal hide skirt, occasionally picking his nails.

" I didn't want to trouble you " he sighed

" Trouble me? Darling I'm your mate. If you fall into shit, I'll be there to help you-or listen and give advice " she hugged him

" Tell me why the Ape is trying to Kill me? " Kitty waved at Shuu who was staring at her and her mates with hidden desire

Was this who it felt to be with a female that actually wanted you?

Did Qingqing really not want him?

He figured it would be a waste to dwell on those thoughts. Even if Qingqing wanted him, he could no longer want her

His life was now Kitty's

" I don't know. He wants you and Qingqing dead. Rosa was just a bait, she did want to kill you both but, she not that brave. Not without support" 

Kitty frowned, her gears running

" Those fuckers " Draco cussed getting smacked by Eros who quitely mumbled " I really don't want a lecture on raising children, shut up "

" You're thinking the same thing aren't you " Nehebakau asked his mother who slowly nodded

" What's going on? " Alpin folded his arms on his chest, his sterling eyes getting darker by second

" There's only two tetra marked beast in the city " Kitty said Ophi had just hissed

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now