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" wow! This is your house? " The girl looked around in bewilderment. She reached out to touch every single curtain that hung from the windows and the little creepers Kitty had not removed when they renovated the house

" I didn't know hides could be used to block light " she giggled in amazement

It was at that moment that Kitty looked at the girl in front of her with the sweetest expression. The sun's rays danced on her face, illuminating her youthful features. Kitty could see in the girl's eyes a hint of youthful wonder as she took in the sight of the house, her curiosity piqued as she examined every detail. A feeling of fondness filled Kitty's heart, and she couldn't help but smile at the girl's innocent and purity.

It was rather odd for a female to be so innocent in this place, all Kitty had encountered were self centred prats laying on the ground with nothing but pure disdain for every single being around them.

"they can be used for a lot other things" Kitty said softly walking closet to the girl who was scrutinizing the flower pot in front of her.

" like what? "

" like blankets and bedsheets " Kitty promptly replied, leading the girl towards the makeshift bed covered with animal hides.

The girl plopped herself on the bed and let out a sequeal of delight " this is so soft. Mother makes us sleep on the ground, I wouldn't wake up any nights if I had this " She caressed the fur

" sleep on the ground? The cold season is so near and yet you sleep on the ground? " Kitty frowned at the girl

Now that she looked closely, The girl did seem quite skinny for her age. Kitty looked at the girl before her, observing the way she was caressing the soft fur blanket on the bed. She noticed that her features seemed gaunt and worn. The females were highly privileged and valued due to their scarcity, and that the males were often the sole caregivers for their children. This made her wonder if the child's father was dead or somehow so badly injured he was no longer any use to the mother.

" what's your name? " Kitty asked directing herself away from overthinking the situation. The girl could simply have weak fathers

" Alice " she replied embarrassed that she had followed a female to her house without even introducing herself.

" I'm kitty, that was Shuu " Kitty said and pointed at Shuu who peeked from the other room before going back to do whatever he had been doing.

" how many mates does your mother have? "

" eight " Alice's eyes twitched

" How? I'm tired with only three " Kitty grumbled under her breath " What beast is your father? "

" He was a sheep "

Oh, so Kitty was right. Her father was indeed dead

And before the conversation could go any further, the door was smashed open and Winston walked in with Eros on his back. Kitty thought Eros was dead with how exhausted he looked

" We're here, get off me " Winston growled at Eros

Soon after Alpin walked in holding Draco and Serpens, who seemed to be gasping for air.

" ne-never again " Ophi slithered into the house and passed out on the floor. His snake belly was heaving up and down with how deeply he was breathing. Neheb simply came to the house, dragged a piece of animal hide out towards the lake and yeeted himself inside it.

" what's going on? " Kitty asked amused

" These idiots challenged Winston" Alpin snickered

" Eros too? " And Alpin nodded  " what was the challenge? "

" running " Draco gasped out dramatically " we don't even have legs - that was a foul move from papa Winston's side. We're not even two, that's just unfair. How in the world did dad come to the conclusion that we could defeat papa Winston in running. He's stupid and I think his stupidity rubbed off us "

" That's right. You all are indeed stupid" Winston replied coming with a huge stone bowl in his hand and dumped the water all over Eros

" Ahhh, what is this " Eros screamed wipping his face

" Stop vandalising my house "

" I just cleaned the house "

Both Kitty and Shuu yelled at the same time.

Suddenly a soft laugh echoed around the house, stopping everyone of their tracks as they turned to look at the girl with grey hair and orange eyes. Her eyes shone with mischief as she looked at all the members gathered in front of her.

" oh, who's the pretty lady " Serpens wiggled out of Alpin's arms and slithered towards Alice who looked at the snake  curiously " she's pretty but she needs a well deserved bath "

Draco and Ophi slapped their brother with their tails

" don't listen to him "

" he doesn't know what he's saying"

" I didn't know ferals were so adorable" Alice smiled " I did hear that a female took in a feral but I didn't know it was you "

" well let's just say I'm mad " Kitty shrugged

" that you definitely are. Other's would have laughed at me and mocked at me. You simply invited me to your house - you're weird " Alice smiled wider. She liked this female and she hoped she could stay with her, Alice felt like she was a much better mum than her's anyway.


Sorry it's kinda short. I had my last exam today and I feel so free. ( Let me have my fun until November) I think I did well on my exams, except economics. I thought I'd do bad in Legal studies but it was a piece of cake - Economics paper had me go blank the moment I saw it.

Sad life

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