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"I can't feel him" Alpin removed his palm from Kitty's stomach

"What do you mean you can't feel him?" Kitty panicked and tried to feel a heartbeat herself. Of course she couldn't, that's the reason she asked Alpin to check in the first place.

Feeling tears cloud her eyes, Kitty looked up only to find the huge grin plastered on Alpin's face. Her heart shattered. Did he not want the child? He looked so happy.

Feeling eyes on himself, Alpin finally looked up to see the heartbreaking expression on his mate. He was really stupid, wasn't he?

"It's good news actually" Alpin said

"What do you mean it's good news" Kitty snapped

"Our cub knows how to conceal his presence. My mother told me I could do that near her delivery but, look at our kit." He paused to give yet another smile "he's already learned how to do that"

"So he's okay?" Kitty asked and exhaled in relief when Alpin nodded.

What was it? A week? Maybe two since she had met up with Bai at the pond. But, she did see the mermaid guy pretty often.

He wasn't trying to hit on her and Kitty appreciated that. He was like a little kid, fascinated by everything.

He had Kitty show him exactly how to eat a fruit because he had been gulping down whole pineapples and complaining about how bad they taste.

Albeit being a little irritating, he just came around for food or to simply observe her family dynamics. He wasn't exactly a people's person, but he tolerated her kids - and that was more than Kitty had expected from him.

Today was no different as the blue tailed fish waited outside her house in a small trench Kitty had dug, formerly to harvest rainwater - but, Bluepool misunderstood and she didn't have the heart to say him no, considering he looked so happy about his little trench.

Kitty further didn't want it covered up since her kids and Eros loved it so much, especially the way they'd all get tangled up in there to just fit.

And, she might be the only one who enjoyed Bluepools company, bar the kids because they don't count, Alpin and Winston didn't trust the merman at all. They had been raised with stories about how mermen would snatch females who were beautiful and would later be found dead because they didn't know how to care for them.

Eros didn't like him one bit. He as a feral understood exactly what Bluepool was capable of. Even if mermen were considered calmer than scorpions, crocodiles, crabs or snakes. They really aren't much that different.

The only reason their females survive is because their females can take raw diet, are accustomed to the cold temperatures of deep water and can breathe underwater.

Even the other ferals could keep their females alive if they could eat or and maybe even hibernate.

Shuu. Well he was concerned. He thought he finally stood a chance and then, out of nowhere this fish came.

He wasn't even that strong or good-looking as Shuu liked to believe.

Shuu walked towards the house proudly, trying to display his neck that held one blue stripe.


He had went through hell when training with Winston, Alpin and Eros.

And if that was not enough. Those three made him fight the four young snakes. He couldn't leave one scratch on them and they would mercilessly coil around his body.

Shuu unconsciously placed a hand on his shoulder, thinking about all the times those bastards had broken it. But, it was all for good.

He was sent on a mission to kill the lone colossal that was near their village. She had most probably seperated from her pack.

She was a ferocious one. Probably a old member of the pack because her emerald was huge.

"You smell like blood" Draco gagged before he ran off

Shuu raised his arms and sniffed himself, avoiding the reflex the gag, he beelined towards the pond, where he took a dip and ran back home

He shook the water of his fur and ran towards Kitty making sounds that Kitty could only describe as the rougher version of a purr.

"You seem happy?" She petted him resisting the urge to snort at his wagging tail that reminded her of those cartoons where the dogs used their tails as helicopters.

Shuu suddenly shifted, mistakely shifting his weight towards Kitty. He didn't notice ofcourse, he was simply trying to stretch his neck for her to see

Kitty backed a bit which made Shuu sad. He sat down on his knees and pointed towards his neck.

Kitty felt guilty because he was very excited and then his ears were all droopy and his tail had stopped wagging. She just didn't like anyone so close to her face. Kitty turned her head towards his finger and gave a squeal of delight


She had seen Shuu working very hard on training and seeing him earn a stripe surprisingly made a very emotional. She patted a concerned Shuu and wiped her tears.

"I'm just so happy. Really"

A/n -

Yes. I haven't abandoned the story. I was just thinking of what to write. And then I got a writer's block. I started writing this chapter on 5th Jan and I finished it today. Bit of a disappointment if you ask me, because I usually write a chapter in a day. But, I just wasn't feeling the letters and scentences. Today, I was like. Ah. Fuck it. Let's just start writing, I'll just write whatever.

I mean I know exactly what I am supposed to write but the words are just not wording and then these final term projects are so damn exhausting. Like why are you even giving us the projects you won't even look at?

Anyway. That's enough ranting from me. I hope this chapter wasn't too disappointing and if it was, I promise I'll edit it after the book is done ( it anyway does need thorough editing)

Bye bye! Cya guys

Memo ~

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