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WINSTON WOKE UP feeling the warmth of another cuddled in his fur. This feeling was very foreign to him and he wanted to savour it as much as he could. He knew, a female as beautiful as this one would never have him as one of her mates.

He carefully shifted to let the female sleep on him while the males started moving again.

The rainy season was ahead and it would do them no good to delay their arrival at the beast city.

Kitty woke up in a big bundle of fur, she blinked her eyes a few times until she could see clearly again.

Rubbing her eyes open, she heard a low growl beneath her and saw the white tiger pointing his head to a river.

She thanked the male and got down to wash her face and body with the cold water. Kitty felt disgusted of her mouth, she hadn't brushed in a week and for her it was very disgusting.

Getting back to the camp, she saw a big baor being roasted on the fire, her stomach growled loudly.

' i haven't eaten for an entire day, this is nothing embarrassing '

Kitty was walking with Winston in his beast form, a little behind the rest of the group.

He had been a little hesitant to let her walk by herself at first, by easily agreed when he saw her fascination.

Kitty kept bouncing over the vines and ran her hand over the trunks of the trees.

The little flowers she saw on the forest ground were all safely tied to a flower crown that she put on.

Winston almost cried out of happiness when she put a similar flower crown on his head. He had seen many females, but this one truly enchanted him. With her bubbly yet fierce personality. He thought, she looked like a goddess  impersonating a female as she twirled around the prop roots of the trees, casually hanging on some.

Kitty stepped on a dry leaf and felt very content as she heard it crunch. There was something about this forest.

Being the daughter of an Archeologist and a botanist, she had spent almost all her childhood playing in the forest.

Ofcourse she had been under surveillance the entire time, so this was a very new experience for her.

The forests she had been to felt amazing, but this felt magical. It was almost as if the forest had a soul itself and it was calling out to her.

Calling out so that she'd know, this is what true beauty is. This is what Earth would have been, had not humans destroyed it.

She discovered the place for a little longer until Winston roared at her. He wanted her to sit on him because the others were already far off.

She climbed on his back, laying on her own back, she watched as the trees changed colours, the little squirrels and some birds watched them with curiosity and as the sky changed it's colour from clear blue to bright orange and then the beautiful three moons until she fell asleep.

Unknown to the two travellers, a male had been watching over Kitty since she left the cave.

He had never in centuries, had ever been so enarmoured by a female.

The way she smiled when a leaf crunced under her step, the way her hair flowed as the wind swept through or the way her dual coloured eyes twinkled for every bizarre thing in the forest.

It all just made him fall deeper. And he didn't even know it.

( A/n - Can anyone guess who he is?? 😏 )

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now