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The next day, Kitty woke up to an unusual sight.

The village's healer stood there with a soft graceful smile adorning his face.

Kitty almost had a stroke with how beautiful the male looked.

"How are you here? " She Curiously asked

"We have met before but I'd still like to introduce myself - I am Harvey, healer for the Camel Hump Valley" he bowed  "If you have any problems you can come see me, or have one of your males call me "

"That's not needed, I'm a healer myself. I can very well look after my female" Alpin scowled from the back of the room

"Is that so? " Harvey asked delighted "perhaps we could converse sometime" he hopefully said

Alpin's entire demeanor changed when he realised that the beast in front of him was not at all interested in Kitty, he was merely looking for an ally

" We should " Alpin smiled and walked towards the male, holding his hand out.

Watching the confused expression on the poor male's face, Alpin mentally slapped himself.

This is something only Kitty does, physical contact is a no-no in the beast world - unless a female wishes to court the male

"You shake it " Kitty snickered showing him exactly what she meant "it's a way of greeting in the ape clan "

Kitty watched the two males exchange greetings with amusement. It was really funny how Alpin's fur around his ears were raised and now his tail was wagging as if he had just seen his favourite toy.

The snakes who had been awoken by the conversation, curiosly slithered towards the adults near the door.

Harvey, at first, freaked out when he saw four gigantic snakes slither towards them until he saw the female pat one of them

Were they her Snakelings?

" I don't mean to be rude, If I may - may I ask something? " Kitty nodded her head at Harvey

"Why have you kept the snakes? As far as I've heard, Ferals grow alone and learn the dominance of nature alone "

Kitty Chuckled as she asked her children to head back inside" They are my children, I literally gave birth to them. I didn't have the heart to just abandon a part of me and Eros " That and it just turned out that they had her memories which would have been more disheartening if they were to be abandoned.

Her children have more humane feelings than beasts and humans have a hay-wire of emotions.

They wouldn't have understood why their mother abandoned them, when she grew up so loved by her parents and even loved their father

They would have grown resentful

"That's appreciable " Harvey smiled

He wondered if every ape female were bought up to be polite and caring. Bai Qingqing too had been very polite and timid - though this female seemed fierce, she too would most likely be the only other female to respect him, even if he had no stripes.

Just as Harvey had left for his healer duties, Winston came in the house with a few dishes along with Shuu tagging behind him, also holding a few dishes.

Both the males set the dishes on the floor as they didn't bring their table. And Kitty placed a few mats around the food for them to sit.

All of them finished their food rather fast than they normally do. Winston had to go and check upon the barriers and security of this place and he also needed to hunt for the next day, while the snakes had been pestering Eros to train them - which he finally agreed to

" I can't handle their energy " he wined before he was dragged out of the house by four tails.

Kitty laughed muttering " lazy snake" and picked up the basket that was kept at one corner, along with all their other stuffs.

Alpin want out to familiarise himself as a healer in the village and because he was rather excited about talking to another healer.

Kitty saw his tail had been wagging the entire time until he disappeared at a turning.

Now, that it was only her and Shuu. She'd rather do something productive than sit inside and get bored.

She wondered how was she able to sit days inside her room without seeing sunlight when she couldn't even sit inside the house for more than ten minutes without doing nothing.

"Wanna go out? " She glanced at Shuu

" You are asking me?

" Do you see anyone else? "

Shuu was surely bewildered. He was used to females commanding him, not asking him afterall.

This female is weird

A/n - yaayy! I'm back

( Insert black panther theme song )

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now