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"He shall see you now" Mitchell tugged at Kitty's hand, picking her up. “Just quietly live by my side. Although the food resources in the desert aren’t as rich as those in the forests, you won’t have any shortage of food. I can send scorpion beastmen to go look for whatever you want to eat from the forests.”

Kitty wrapped her hands around his shoulders, pushing her weight to stable herself in the vulnerable position. She felt Qingqing's eyes stare at her and an unspoken agreement passed within them.

"You are a rootless beast. Why do you want me?"

“Who said that rootless beasts can’t look for mates?” Mitchell pretended like he didn’t care, as if he was a misogamist in the modern world. “There’s no influence even if there isn’t a spousal mark. It’s sufficient as long as I like you. If we don’t have any feelings one day, we can go our separate ways amicably as well.”

"Who wants to see us?" Qingqing asked timidly

"My father" Mitchell replied coldly and pressed his lips in a thin line.

No other words were exchanged between the three.

Kitty kept her eyes open for every turn they made. Every texture of the wall and how they grew colder and colder with every step.

Her senses where whirling in a sort of bubble, they knew exactly where the turns where. Her intuition too seemed to be working at it's fullest.

They arrived at a arch, decorated with a few bones and skeletons that looked as old as the scorpion liar itself. The entrance was covered with animal skins stitched together.

Qingqing forced herself to not gag at the horrendous smell that seemed to be coming from the room inside. It smelled like poop and rotten meat.

"Father. We've arrived" Mitchell declared in a deep, respectfull tone.

A rustling sound echoed and Mitchell paced inside the room.

The scorpion stood at nearly twenty feet tall, with eight long and jagged legs stretched out from his dark, armored body. His exoskeleton shimmered in the dim light of the cave, reflecting an array of deep greens and purples. Each leg was thick and muscular, ending in sharp, black claws that clicked with every step he took. His menacing tail curled up behind him, ending in a deadly stinger dripping with venom. The scorpion's eyes glowed a fierce orange, glittering with a thirst for destruction.

Orange eyes snapped towards Kitty and then to Qingqing. The rustling sound echoed again and this time, Kitty knew it was the scorpion speaking

"Of course father. It's her" Mitchell pushed Kitty towards him.

Kitty balled her hands and dared herself to look up at the scorpion. Her chest filled and fell at a rapid pace and a lump settled itself on her throat.

The huge scorpion came forward, his tall and big body casting down a stretch of shadow that covered her and Mitchell.

The shadow shrank rapidly and in place of a scorpion stood a man, who still seemed to be in his prime. Kitty, despite the situation couldn't help but question how such a young man, have a son, this old.

His hair hung down to his arms, messy and sloppy. His black eyes that one couldn’t see the depths of looked lifeless. He seemed to emit some kind of destructive demonic air that caused the temperature to drop.

"You're the female who killed the Ape King" his voice was a barren desert.

And he wasn't asking

"Yes" Kitty replied in a steely voice

"He told me you are a child of the gods"

Kitty wanted to ask what he meant by 'he told me' considering the ape king was long dead. But, it seemed The scorpion had all the intentions to answer her unasked question

"I suppose you'd know about the soul stones. I needed them to get my mate back. He suggested a different alternative" The scorpion gave a small smile that creeped the shit out of Kitty


The moment they entered the ice house, Kitty felt as if she had entered  a lab that preserved mummies and shit, and cold wind gushed into her bones from all directions.

Saint Zachary, or the scorpion - apparently killed his own mate (accidentally) and wanted Kitty to bring her back to life.

She only looked for the advantages of using religion to her use. Sadly enough, or stupidly, she forgot the consequences that would come to bite her back.

The ice house reminded Kitty a lot of Alpin's frost. It never melted and it was extremely dry to touch. The ice crystals however were each a spectrum of colour, each with a glittered splendor of their own.

Had it not been for the corpse laid on one of the platforms, Kitty would have surely admired the place a little more.

A female with cropped sandy hair, pale skin and a simple tube top and a skirt. If the female was not dead before, she would surely have after being laid there.

"That's -"

"My mother" Mitchell cut her off.

Kitty nodded.

"Would you give me sometime, alone" Kitty politely requested "I need to check for her soul. Any living presence would hinder the process" She smoothly lied noting Mitchell's suspicious gaze

"What about her?" He pointed at Qingqing

"She's my apprentice. She needs to learn"

Kitty slumped to the floor as soon as Mitchell left. She curled and let her sobs escape as she rocked herself.

"I was stupid. I'm sorry you're here because of me"

"Don't blame yourself" Qingqing sniffed "it's not your fault"

A few minutes passed by and Qingqing wiped her tears "what do we do. Mitchell said our bonds were cut. No wonder I couldn't use their powers"

"I don't know. I'll probably plan something stupid and get us in trouble again" Kitty choked

"Better your stupidity than my naivety" Qingqing frowned

"So you agree you're naive" Kitty gave a weak chuckled

"It's not my fault. I was bought up in a conservative family" Qingqing scoffed, brushing her bangs away from her eyes.

"More like you were being ignorant"

"And I'm willing to change"

Kitty lift her head, her eyes meeting Qingqing's "I have a stupid plan" she smiled.


𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now