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Kitty was in a grave situation with her comb. Having not combed since she arrived here, her hairs had become a tangled mess. She was sure her comb would not pass through her curly lumps.

Sighing she kept the comb aside and pulled a vine hanging around the house. She used the vine to tie a loose braid and added a few flowers for decoration.

" You look beautiful " Eros hugged her from behind kissing her neck.

She thanked him kissing his bicep. She turned, her hands gliding up his shoulder and locking behind his neck.

Eros picked her up and kissed her delicately, his fingers slid down to her breasts and he teased and played with them for a while before abruptly stopping.

" There's a banquet to eat from" he placed her on the ground grinning and turned to leave.

Kitty who sat on the ground shocked gasped at his audacity for teasing her. She quickly stood up and ran after him.

The trio walked together towards the Ape King's castle were the banquet was being held.

They sat down at the extreme corner to avoid other beasts and also because they were late.

A male came and handed them the meat that Eros started roasting.

Kitty who was fumbling on her seat caught Winston's attention " what is it? " He whispered to her

" I gotta pee "

" I'll come with you " Kitty nodded and got up, informing Eros they made their way towards the ditch

Feeling refreshed, Kitty got out of the ditch and trailed her way towards Winston. Only to find him being pestered by a violet haired female.

She was about to interfere when the Asian girl from before caught her eyes. Deciding that annoying her would be more amusing she stalked Bai and squatted beside her.

" You know it's rude it overhear other's conversations" Kitty grinned at the girl who blushed

" You are too " Bai tried to argue back

" He's my mate " She shrugged and continued watching the two in front of her argue.

Bai who was flushed by her was itching to ask her about their origins. She was ninety percent sure that the girl in front of her was from Earth.

" I'm Bai Qingqing" she introduced herself

" Katherine" Kitty introduced back

" I'm from Asia " Bai tried to continue the conversation

" That's pretty obvious. I am too " Kitty answered without even looking at her.

Bai Qingqing had never felt such relief than to know that there was someone else like her. She wanted to ask her and discuss all about their situations, maybe even a way to return.

Just as she was trying to get near Katherine, Bai's foot snapped a twig catching the attention of Rosa and Winston.

" Who's there " Rosa snarled

Winston who caught the smell of Kitty was looking straight at her.

" So it was Parker's female. Aren't there too many ugly people like you already in the world " she spat at Bai Qingqing " and long hair too "

Kitty who was silently watching their interaction was offended by her last comment. It took her almost four years to get to hair that long.

" What's wrong with Long hairs? Atleast they are well kept, yours looks like a rat nibbled on it " Kitty tooted at Rosa

" Who are you!? " She demanded trying to scare Kitty into submission but Kitty just walked past her near Winston.

" Your future aunt. "

" How dare you " Rosa screamed lifting her hand to smack Kitty, who simply dodged and elbowed her face.

Rosa fell to the ground, her nose bleeding and a busted lip

" I'll tell my father about you and get you out of the city " She snarled before running off

" Why did you do that " Qingqing asked coming out of her shock

" Well she should be grateful I didn't bang her head on a rock "  she replied wiping her elbow smeared with Rosa's blood in disgust.

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now