"I'm scared, Enid"

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A/N: Enid x Reader

Summary: Y/n is new at Nevermore and while she is settling into it, she is trying to make friends yet she is scared of her powers getting in the way of that. She has telekinesis as well as the Voice, where if you focus hard enough and command the other person to do something, their body is forced to do whatever it is.




Enid's POV:

Yoko invited the new girl to our table, she is pretty quiet which I don't mind but I wish she'd talk a little, I'd like to get to know her. She more is just quiet and listening to everyone else, laughing with them, smiling with them but not saying anything. Just nodding her head and moving on with the conversation.

"So, Y/n," I hear Ajax begin to say, glancing at Yoko before looking over at her again. "what is your power?" He asks her, curiously. Looking over at her as he takes a bite of his food. Y/n doesn't reply, she only looks down and looks... scared of something. I notice her wipe her hands on her pats and then look over at him, offering a short smile.

"I'll be back." She announces to everyone, getting up and walking away. I look over at Yoko to see her immediately begin to be beside Y/n, walking beside her.

"Y/n, what's—?"

"—I don't feel good, I'm gonna go lie down." I hear her reply, before walking to her dorm room and Yoko comes back, sitting down and shrugging.

I wonder what's going on with her.


Y/n's POV:

I arrive in my room and immediately make a call to my mom, pacing back and forth and sighing, waiting for her to answer the call. I hear a soft sigh and I close my eyes, pretending she is right in front of me. It comforts me.

"Honey? Are you all right?" I hear my mom's soft voice ask me, I rub my eyes and exhale softly.

"I keep thinking that I'm gonna fail." I confess to her, hearing a sigh on her end.

"You're not going to fail, love. Everything will be just fine." My mom states softly, I can feel her hand on my shoulder, feeling comfort at her touch. I just want to go home and be with my mom. She knows how to help me control my powers the most. "Sit down and calm down." Her Voice echoes in my mind, I whimper, hissing in pain at how loud her voice is ringing in my head. I open my eyes for a moment and I'm sitting down, I feel a bit more calmer and not like I'm gonna have a panic attack.

"Mom, why are using the Voice?" I ask her, speaking quietly so no one else will hear even though I'm in a room by myself.

"Because it might help." Mom whispers into the phone, she must be trying to take a nap with dad.

"It won't." I deny, firmly. Hoping that she finally believes me.

"The thing you fear is exactly why you are there, Y/n." I hear her remind me for what feels like the 15th time, I feel my shoulders fall and I sigh softly.

"I know." I reply, softy. Feeling tears brim my eyes and begin to form, blinding my eyesight.

"So then use it." She replies, quickly. Sounding as if she is getting angry at me for expressing my opinion. "Control it, don't fight against it." She states, firmly. Her voice no longer angelic and gentle. "It will only make things worse."

"Mom, I can't do that." I counter, hoping that she can at least try to understand where I'm coming from. "It scares me because of how powerful it is for such a young mind," I continue onto say, feeling something crawl up my neck. I hiss, snapping my neck to the side, forcing my eyes shut before opening my eyes. "are you seriously trying to tell me that at 16, I need to control one of the most powerful things a person can have?!" I shout at her, blinking out of whatever trance I was in. It's silent on either side for about a minute.

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