Her Secret

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A/N: CC x Reader

Requested by: haileeismywife26

Summary: Y/n and CC are in a secret relationship.



Y/n's POV:

CC tugs me into her room and shuts the door behind us and sets her bag down, sighing and immediately turning to me. I smile, approaching her, tilting my head slightly.

"I thought we agreed that you'd be nicer to your mom." I tell her, noticing her roll her eyes and immediately move her arms around my neck.

"Well she was being annoying." My girlfriend, CC, replies and kisses me but I pull away, noticing her gasp softly. "Hey—"

"—We agreed." I state, not being able to help myself but smile at her looking cute when she tries to protest.

"Ugh, fine. I'll be nice." She agrees, I smile and kiss her cheek.

"That's more like it." I say to her, noticing her blush as we begin to kiss and her hand roams my hair, tugging me closer while she begins to retreat to her bed and I follow after her, both of us switching place and she pulls away, shoving me lightly, causing me to sit down. Her sitting on my lap and continuing to kiss me, I grip her waist, tugging her closer, needing to feel her close to me. She smiles into the kiss as she leans more into me, feeling her tug me closer. Before we hear footsteps approaching her room and we immediately disband and go on our phones, pretending to show each other something while a knock happens. I immediately smile, watching as she sits up and looks toward the door.

"Yeah?" CC calls out, the door opens and it's her dad, Bill.

"Hey, guys." He waves, nervously. "Whatcha up too?"

"We're gonna revise but we're just relaxing first." She answers, while I admire her, noticing her glance back at me and she lightly nudges me.

"Hi, Mr Walker." I say, continuing to stare at her and notice her blush before I move my eyes away toward her dad. "How was band practice?" I ask him, curiously. Noticing CC groan as she lies down while I sit up, him beginning to tell me about this riff he's trying to work on, I give him as much as advice as I can before he gets called on by Jess to help her with dinner. I smile as he turns back to us.

"S—So, are you gonna be staying for dinner?" He asks me, I think for a moment before CC answers for me.

"Yeah, we've got a lot of homework to catch up on." CC answers, as she smiles shortly at her dad who walks toward the door.

"Yeah, that human anatomy test is coming up. Gotta prepare." I comment, noticing CC look at me in surprise but immediately cover it as she smiles sweetly to her dad.

"Bye, dad."

"Bye, hon. See you later, rockstar." Bill says, moving index and pinkie out and I return the sign.

"Rock hard, Mr Walker." I reply, laughing softly as he leaves and shuts the door behind himself and I'm immediately met with multiple soft punches from CC, causing me to laugh even harder.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asks me, trying to sound angry but begins to laugh with me.

"At least I didn't say female anatomy, even though I know that's definitely coming up later." I express to her, admiring all of her and sitting up a little and using my forearms to keep myself up, noticing her roll her eyes and kiss me, her hand resting on my cheek and I kiss her back, feeling myself melt into the kiss yet she pulls away for a moment, her eyes glance between mines.

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