Interviewing Y/n Singh

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A/N: Pippa x Reader

Summary: Pip is doing a project on Y/n's older brother and how he died, as well as if he actually killed his girlfriend that all of Little Kilton suspected he did. While interviewing her, Pip realised that they are a lot more alike than she thought.



Pip's POV:

I stand outside of the scary house that looks back at me, ready to swallow me up. I think if I step forward at all any further, I might actually be inhaled by absolute fear.

My heart is patterning against my chest, almost asking me if I really want to die today. I genuinely don't want to waste a second more on standing here, debating if I should head over to the door and knock to ask the daughter of the Singh's questions about her brother.

So many kids feared approaching the door, even turned it into the game and with my knowledge and age, as well as personal opinion, I feel like I should be able to knock, yet why do I feel so scared to move? Like one wrong move is going to affect the rest of this project.

I just have to do this. I got this... right?

I step forward. Walking toward the door. Feeling my clothes stick to my skin due to how much I'm sweating out of nerves. I raise my fist, knocking on the door that looks so tall compared to my average height. The door opens and I see her. Y/n.

She looks so much like her brother...

"Hi...?" Y/n greets me, I feel myself gulp and all words in the English dictionary leave my brain as I attempt to string a sentence that will be good to start with yet nothing. I know a lot of things— a lot. I know that hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia was the technical term for a fear of long words, babies are born without kneecaps, the most common birthday is the 16th of September while the second least popular birthday is December 25th alongside January 1st. Yet the sight of Y/n Singh in front of me scares the shit out of me. "Hello...?"

"Uh—Uh, hi! Hi." I send her an awkward half-wave that I immediately regret and wish I could take back already. Noticing her hands tuck into her grey joggers as she adjusts on her stance. "I was wondering if... if I could borrow a jiffy of your time? Well, not a jiffy... did you know that a jiffy is an actual measurement of time? It's one one-hundredth of a second... so can you maybe spare a few sequential jiffies?"

Who on earth uses the word jiffy in this day in age...? My god, pull it together.

"U—Uh." Y/n pauses, swallowing nervously. "I'm sorry?" She asks, smiling softly as she bites her bottom lip afterwards. She finds me pathetic already. I don't blame her. I feel my shoulders sink and I glance around before looking back at her, moving closer.

"Look, my name is Pippa Fitz-Amobi. I'm doing my EPQ for school and—"

"—EPQ?" She asks, her head jutting forward, her eyes narrowing just a slight bit as her eyebrows raise only an inch in confusion.

"Uh, yeah. It's like an extra assignment that you work on independently. You can do it on whatever you want while you revise for other classes." I explain to her, trying to summarise as quick as I can. She slowly nods her head.

"All...right." She answers slowly, as if her mind is adjusting to the unknown assignment.

"I'm doing it on the Andie Bell case and—"

"—No—" She goes to shut the door but I rest my hand on the door, stepping in front of her.

"—Please! I don't think your brother did it." I confess to her, speaking quickly. Noticing her look at me, frozen in her spot. Looking like she's ready to lunge at me at any moment. "I want to try to prove it, please." I plead with her desperately. Noticing her looking at me, a certain curiosity, her shoulders sinking as she steps back. "I want to help you." I confess to her, softening my tone to try sound more convincing and trust-worthy yet I don't think it contributed at all.

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