Assistant to More

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A/N: Emma x Reader

Summary: Emma is at a fashion show and busy dealing with a lot of things including family, afterwards, when she tells her assistant, Y/n, that she's planning on meeting someone and she wants her to come with her just in case, something happens and they end up connecting in more ways than one.

INSPO: a dream i just woke from😭



Emma's POV:

I'm in the elevator, waiting for it to go up. I exhale nervously, trying to calm myself down, knowing that I'm about to be hit with many people trying to get me to sign things, say things, write things, and answer a few questions.

The doors open, I step out, making my way towards the stairs.

"Miss Myers, you're grandmother is upstairs waiting, wondering where you are." Someone tells me.

"Tell her I'll be right there."

"Got it." They walk back to their desk.

"Miss Myers, I need you to sign this."

"What is it?" I ask them, glancing over at them and taking the pen.

"That movie we talked about, you got a contract. October-March."

"Got it." I answer, quickly signing it. "Make sure I'll be able to go home in time for Christmas time, please, Marv."

"Will do." He replies, walking away.

"I love your dress, boss."

"Thank you!" I thank her, and after 3 more, I finally make it to the stairs, wondering why the elevator stops on 14th then has stairs that you need to walk too.

I make it up the stairs, a few people holding my dress and making sure that nothing happens to it. Family time. Oh, god.

I open the doors once I make it up the stairs, immediately met with my gran and grandpa.

"Ah, there you are— Oh! You look beautiful! Richard tell her she's beautiful."

"That dress looks stunning on you, Emma, I'm proud of you." Grandpa tells me, I smile widely.

"Thank you, you two. I will see you afterwards." I say, moving onto my parents. "What do we think?"

"Awh, you look absolutely beautiful, Honey." Mum tells me, smiling widely and kissing my cheek, hugging me.

"Beautiful, darling. You're going to do great out there." Dad tells me, kissing my cheek as I pull away, quickly give him a hug and then head over to my sisters.

"There you are, lady of the hour."

"It's not her birthday, Liv." Avery replies, glancing at her in confusion. "Anyway, are you excited, nervous?"

"All of the above. Photo time?" I ask, they all nod and squeal. We all take a few quick photos before I head over to my favourite Assistant. Y/n L/n. My queen, my saviour, my everything. "Ah, Y/n."

"Hey." She turns around and checks my dress. "Very you, Myers. Very you." She tells me, smiling widely and tugging me to sit down. I sit down. "Your cousins are saying 'Hi' in this tab, I need you to read over something afterwards in this tab— oh, wait, that's for me... uh..." She clicks off of it.

"What was it?"

"Offer to be an assistant to someone else but I'm declining it."

"You're a saint."

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now