Not like Before 4

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A/N: Emma x Reader

Part numero fouro

i'm so glad you lot are liking this, wooo!!

pls dont hate me ;)



Y/n's POV:

I fall, landing on the ice and sliding slightly, trying to catch my breath as I let my shoulders fall, shaking my head and resting my hands on my face, forcing my eyes shut for a moment. Quickly getting up and going for a quad lutz again. Fall. I try again. Fall. Again... done it.

"There we go! There it is! There you are!" I hear Coach Sekelsky applaud, clapping his hands as I continue on through the free skate program, extending my hands and dragging my left foot to further behind, moving my hands in the air, slowly bringing it down, moving my head down the closer I bring it to myself. I bring my left foot close, gaining some speed as I do two spins, my hands extended outwards, bringing them in against my head as I spin two more times. "Faster—! Faster, L/n! Come on!" He cheers me on, shouting loudly which normally makes me jump but I'm easily becoming immune to it. I try to skate a bit faster, continuing on with my program, finishing it soon enough.

I'm leaning back as far as I can, my knees screaming for me to stop using my entire body weight on them. My arms crying for me to drop them but I hold the position, the music stopping finally. I exhale, letting my arms drop and getting up easily, pretending as if I'm not exhausted, I skate over toward the barrier, fixing my necklace and seeing Sekelsky looking at me with a proud smile. I laugh. He hugs me.

"That was perfect, just keep working on it, all right?" He tells me, whispering it in my ear as there is a documentary being filmed for Reann. Of course Reann gets that but too be honest, I wouldn't do it. I had to do it when I was younger because of my coach but with this coach, he actually lets me have an opinion and lets me decide if I want to do interviews or not. "Now, I think the best thing to really work on is the landing of the quad lutz, it took you a few tries but when you did it, it looked beautiful."


"So, try just work on it, I did see a bit of pre-rotation and that can cause issues, so try to work on your lutz and make sure..."

"No pre-rotation." We say in sync, I nod my head and smile, grabbing my guards and putting them on, itching my neck as I see Viktor walk over toward us and whisper something to Sekelsky then he looks at me.

"Homework time."

"No." I long out, letting my shoulders drop as I get off the ice and he opens the gate for me, he rests his hand on my back as he directs me toward the room. "Do I have too? I have a biology test and I haven't revised." I express to him, looking at him and seeing him look at me, trying not to smile and pretending to be annoyed. I laugh softly. "I obviously didn't purposefully do it, I just got carried away."

"Revise." He says, ruffling my hair and messing up my ponytail that was very neat. I groan, hitting his hands away from me hearing him laugh. "Is it open-book or closed-book?"

"Closed, I think which screws me over even more." I answer, stopping on a bench and changing out of my skates into my shoes and putting my skates in my bag. I put the straps over my shoulders, untying my ponytail and running my hand through my hair, sighing. "I don't wanna do school." I complain, tilting my head back as I feel my chest rise and fall, fast, still out of breath from the 7 minute program, especially with having to go through that 2nd quad lutz 5 times, landing in the exact same spot, feeling multiple bruises already starting to form on my waist.

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