Led to More 2

891 48 140

A/N: Emma x Reader


The first one was just so much fun to write and i think you guys liked it so...



Emma's POV:

I arrive at the hotel, smiling, as I head up the elevator, waiting for the doors to open on my floor. I just had the best time with Y/n, I want more. I already dislike being away from her.

Should I send her a text saying I had a good time? Will that help my case?

I pull out my phone, debating whether I should take the chance. I know I'm probably being dramatic but I—I can't help it. I like Y/n, I hate that I like her so much already but she's just so... authentic, real, and—and a great person.

I begin to type,

"I had a lot of fun, it was great spending time with you❤️" I stare at the message, analysing it then overanalysing it. The doors open and I look up, stepping out and heading to my hotel room, I grab my key card and scan it then open the door, stepping inside and shutting the door behind me. I lie down on the couch, seeing the message had sent.

I sit up, my eyes widened and my smile completely dropped.

"Oh my god." I let out, softly. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." I spew out, trying to tap on it to delete it only for me to heart my own message. I grown, chucking my phone onto the bed, covering my face. If I don't see it, it isn't there.


Oh dear god...

I stand up, slowly approaching my phone. I stand over it, reading her reply.

"i had a great time too, we should hang out more when you're less busy :) ❤️" She sent in reply. I smile, exhaling softly, resting my hand over my heart, trying to stop it from beating so fast. I pick up my phone, thinking of a reply.

"Definitely! Your grandma and grandads café was to die for!"

"i know, i love working there, living above there."

"just everything about it, it's perfect for me! " She double-sends, I hum, feeling glad that she has a safe place like that for herself.

"It seems like a good safe place for everyone who knows about it."

"yeah, i think i like how much it's hidden, defo one of my favourite parts about it :) "

"I know! It looks so cool!"

We continue to talk and discuss the café, as well as plan our next hang out and when it could be. The only downfall is that it's in 3 days and I leave the very next day.


I arrive at the cafe, heading inside and take my beanie off. I glance around, wondering where— oh there she is. I walk over toward her, smiling and sit across from her.

"Ooh, hi." She greets me, setting her laptop screen down and putting it away in her bag. "How are you?" She asks me, running her hand through her hair and fixing it before messing it up again. Huffing. She gives up, deciding to leave it perfectly messy... again.

"I'm okay, a little tired but I managed to get myself up and out of bed." I confess to her, her nodding her head.

"Also, I got you this." She says, moving a hot chocolate with whip cream, extra whip cream over toward me. I smile, excitedly.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now