"Never gonna stop" 2

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A/N: Emma x Reader

PART TWO!!!!!!




Y/n's POV:

So... Maybe going out with Emma and not coming back till 12:30am was a bad idea. I've basically been grounded for 2 weeks and can only text or call the Myers sisters, I can hang out with Izzy during school but I barely see Emma because of my grounding.

...I'm embarrassed to admit it but I miss her.

"Hey, Y/n." I hear Isabel greet me, sitting beside me with her lunch tray on the table, her setting it beside mines.

"Hey, Iz." I greet her, taking a bite of my brown bread, ham and lettuce sandwich. "How was bio?"

"Boring as hell. I've got Latin in 25 minutes."

"It's lunch."

"I know, I don't know why it's a club and not a class." Isabel expresses to me, shrugging.

"Probably because it's a dead language?"

"Eh, maybe." She says, making me laugh. I notice her pull out Shawn the Sheep, him resting on her lap as she eats. "Have you got track after school?"

"Yeah, how come?"

"My sister wants to see you, so she's wanting to come watch you after school. I'm thinking of sitting with her and getting homework outta the way." She explains to me, I nod my head.

"Well I'll put in extra work to make my girls proud of me." I express to her, seeing her look over at me, doubtfully.

"I'm already proud of you." She counters, immediately making me stunned. I go quiet, leaning back and examine her expression to see if she's lying.


"I said, 'I'm already proud of you'." Isabel repeats, more confidently and with a wider smile as her eyes wander all over my face. "I can see you blushing, L/n. It's very adorable."

"Oh, shut up." I say, nudging her slightly, hearing her laugh as I then rest my head on her shoulder. Her resting her head on top of mines as we eat and talk till she leaves for Latin and I go to the Business Department and go on a laptop, watching YouTube for the rest of lunch.


I squat down, move my hands to a position where I have a good grip and slowly push up, trying to push the tire along. Once I get it up, I nudge it down. I do the same, till the end line and sigh, catching my breath and wiggling my arms to try to stop them from being numb.

I fricken hate this exercise.

"All right, everyone! Water break." Coach Riggs announces, everyone heading to the sidelines to get a drink of water from their bottle.

"Damn, who brought the actress to practice?" I hear my teammate, Carly, ask, glancing around the group.

"Uh, m—me." I announce, looking over at Emma and Isabel, smiling and waving at them. They return the wave before Isabel beckons me over, I nod and glance over at my friends. "I'll be back."

"Sheez, which one you gonna hook up with?"

"Or you planning on both?"

"Shut up, you shits." I shout to them, hearing them laugh as I walk up the steps on the stands and sit in between the two. "You beckoned me over?"

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now