A Sweet Fighter

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A/N: Emma x Reader

Summary: Enid goes to her local ice hockey team game and she watches her favourite player only to learn that she knows the girl from school.


Also reader is Autistic but it's a bit irrelevant, just more in the aspect of sounding blunt at most speaking moments.



Enid's POV:

I put on my jacket as I look at my outfit. I'm wearing my team's jersey and I have my name on the back with the number 45 as that player is my favourite player. She's new to the team but is really great. She can skate so fast, her agility is amazing. I love watching her play. She only joined just last week so this is a new jersey.

"All right, I think I'm ready." I announce, adjusting my jacket over the jersey that I'm wearing. "Do you think this looks okay?" I ask, turning to face Wednesday. I notice her head slowly turn to meet mines, she takes in my outfit. I'm wearing blue jeans, the jersey, then a black jacket over it that is so cosy.

"You look... colourful." She confesses, turning away from me and continues to write on her typewriting. I let my shoulders fall and decide to leave, waving bye to Thing. "Bye, Thing." I say, he signs in return a goodbye. I smile, leaving and shutting the door. I notice Y/n leaving and jogging down the stairs, I wonder where she's going. I follow somewhat after her, only to hear my brother call on me.

"Come on! Car, now!" I hear him shout, I look over toward Y/n, seeing her glance back and wave. I return the wave and see her smile then turn and jog away toward somewhere. I head over toward my oldest brother's car, getting in and all of us being driven to the Ice Rink.


We're sitting, watching the game as it's about to begin. I try look for number 45, wondering where she is. I clear my throat, noticing my brother nudge me.

"You looking for your cru-u-u-sh?" He asks me, nudging me repeatedly. I shove him away from me, growling and noticing him and my other brother's laugh.

"Jeez, E, just calm down." One of my brother's tell me, I roll my eyes, shaking my head.

"Just shut up." I spit at him, I look at the screen, seeing that it's focused on my favourite player on the screen. I see them with their mouthguard against their lips, dangling. I blush, watching her. She looks down and takes her helmet out, adjusting her hair and putting her helmet back on.

"Damn, E's blush—" I shove my brothers away, causing them to move multiple seats away from me.

"Zip it." I spit at him, focusing on the game. Sadly she isn't starting but I know she's second line, so I'll see her soon.

I'm so excited to see her play!


I watch her skate fast down the rink, getting the punk and beginning to make a play, passing it. Getting it back. Fake shooting. Hitting hard and in what feels like a single blink, it's behind the net. She celebrates near my side and I cheer extra loud, seeing her point to me and smile. Celebrating with the rest of her team, smiling widely.

She's such a great player.

I look a little closer, feeling like I know her, like I've seen her before but I can't remember.

Do I know her?


I'm watching as she heads down the line with the puck, people starting to get a bit excited. Then, suddenly, she gets hit from beside and her helmet falls off. She stays on the ground for a minute, spitting blood out and wiping her nose—

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now