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I think a Mitch POV is what we all need



Harry Styles is one lucky son-of-a-bitch to have a friend like me.

He ran his plan by me to try to win Amelia back a couple of days ago. At first I thought he was crazy, which he probably is, but I agreed because of how lovesick he sounds. Honestly, he's lucky that I like Amelia and that I want it to work out with them. They are unnecessarily cute together it blows my mind.

So here I am, driving through New York City while looking for Amelia's apartment with Harry's request in tow. I already feel jet lagged having come from California. I landed probably two hours ago and my body hasn't adjusted to the time difference yet. It's not a huge difference but it's enough to make me irritable. 

I'm still in shock over how this situation has affected Harry. I knew that he cared for Amelia, more than any other girl he had been with, but seeing it unfold like this baffles me. He really loves her and it's obvious that she loves him too. It's frustrating that things ended up like this but hopefully they can make up. I worry about them if they don't, specifically Harry because I can actually see how it's affecting him. I have no idea how Amelia is.

I talked to her twice since that day at the hotel. I called her later that night to make sure she was okay, which she wasn't. And then I texted her last week to check in on her. She sounded decent that day, but it was over text so I have no doubt she wasn't telling me the whole of how she felt. I opted not to tell Harry I had been in contact with her because it probably would have caused him more pain.

I sigh heavily as I park outside of the apartment building where she lives. I can't even believe I found parking, honestly. It's like I was meant to be here, which gives me hope that something good will come out of the day.

As I'm exiting my car, I notice an old lady coming out of the apartment complex. I quickly grab Harry's request and hurry over to her, taking the door from her hands. She smiles at me, thinking I just wanted to hold it for her. While that's not entirely untrue, I return the smile.

Harry said Amelia is in apartment 14C. I walk up the stairs to the third floor and quickly find her door where the gold numbers and letter are plastered on it. I take a breath before I knock. I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to explain my presence, but I hope I can think of something on a whim.

Unfortunately, I am not greeted with Amelia. Instead, her roommate swings the door open, a cold gaze in her green eyes. Her overall presence is unnerving and I wonder why Amelia liked her so much. Maybe something shifted and her demeanor is just worse now but she seems like she is straight out of Mean Girls

"Who are you?" She asks me, her tone unwelcoming.

"You must be Shannon," I say, outstretching my hand. She doesn't take it, which is half expected, so I awkwardly retreat. "I'm a friend of Amelia's," I continue. "I was wondering if she's around."

Shannon rolls her eyes.

"She doesn't live here anymore. Moved back in with her parents last week," she tells me with a huff.


I should have expected this would be anything less than easy. I thought finding a parking spot out front was a good sign but I suppose not.

"Great," I mutter.

Shannon's narrows her eyes at me.

"You're a friend of Harry's too," she comments. I nod. "Well you can tell him that he ruined my relationship with my best friend and that he can go to hell."

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