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THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE ON MY LAST CHAPTER. I honestly was not expecting that much love and support omg. I'm doing better but still out of it. Anxiety is actually the worst especially when it happens for literally no reason. I'm like why

Anyways I love you all. I have the best readers, there I said it xx



I nervously tap my foot on the ground as I wait for all my contacts and pictures to be transferred over to my new phone. Harry went to use the bathroom and I've been on edge while I wait for his return. Normally I wouldn't mind sitting alone in the store but I've been leaning on Harry a lot during this whole debacle of my information getting loose.

"I'm sorry that you had to change your number because of everything," Jorge, the phone salesman, tells me from where he sits across the table. He gives me a sympathetic smile.

"It's okay," I tell the older man. "It could be worse,"

"I like your positivity, kid,"

I smile. Little does he know how much I have been panicking on the inside.

"So all my contacts and pictures will be transferred?" I ask, changing the topic.

Jorge nods.

"All your contacts will. As for your photos, it depends what's been backed up and what hasn't. If they're connected to iCloud then when you sign in to your account on the new phone they will automatically be transferred over. If you haven't backed them up though, you'll still have access to them on the old phone. You can airdrop them to yourself afterwards or back them up via iCloud or some people use Google Photos," Jorge explains.

I nod, getting somewhat lost in what he is saying but I think I understand the majority of it.

"I wish everyone I know automatically had my new phone number," I comment, laughing bitterly. "I dread the idea of texting everyone individually,"

Jorge grins.

"Pardon my language, but it's a pain in the ass. I had to do it a couple years ago. On the bright side though it's a new start. Only people who you want to contact you can now," he tells me.

His words intrigue me. Only people who want to contact me can. I know for sure I'll reach out to my family and Harry, and then obviously Christian and some other college friends. However this could be a good way to rid of Shannon from my life. I still feel weird just erasing her after all of our memories together. Sure she ruined a lot but we also had some good times. But this could be what I need to move on. Let the past stay in the past.

"Something to think about," I mutter.

I fiddle with my fingers until Harry comes back nearly a minute later. He smiles at both Jorge and I before slipping his hand into mine under the table.

"Everything going well?" he asks.

"We're just about done," Jorge responds. His thick fingers pull my old phone out of the charger it was plugged into. He slides it across the table to me along with my new phone which was sat right beside it. "Now everything should be all set. We reset your phone number before as well as activated your new phone. The only thing you will have to do is log into your iTunes account but you can do that on your own time if you'd prefer,"

I beam as I look down at my new phone. I wasn't entirely sure I was going to get a new one when Harry and I came in today but I decided an upgrade was needed. My old one lagged a little and had a couple chips in it from me dropping it so much.

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