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anyways I have an announcement at the end of the chapter for y'all lmao



I can tell Harry is anxious about camping. I'm not entirely sure why. Perhaps his irrational fear of venomous snakes is eating away at him, but he's been fidgeting in the car seat while gripping my hand for dear life as we drive to the campsite. I'm desperate to know what's going on inside of his mind but I don't want to question him in front of my mom. 

I sigh and set my gaze out of the window. The trees are growing thicker the further we drive into the forest. It's definitely refreshing to see some greenery some out here. It seems that more and more trees are being cut down in my neighborhood to accommodate more houses. It makes me sad to see my neighborhood changing so much. 

"Is this your first time camping, Harry?" Mom asks. She peers through the rearview mirror, glancing at Harry beside me. 

"No, actually," he responds, coming out of the trance he was in. "I went a little while back with the One Direction boys. It wasn't like this though. It was more hectic with them and we were being filmed so I felt very...watched. Definitely was a lot of fun though but I'm ready to get down and to it for real," 

I smile listening to Harry talk and give his hand a squeeze. 

"I'm sure it won't be any less hectic with us. The boys are a handful," Mom laughs. "But I hope you'll have a good time. It sounds like you did with One Direction, although I wouldn't know how to feel about the cameras. The thought of being in the spotlight all the time frightens me," 

"It definitely took some getting used to. I don't particularly mind it now but I'm also excited to get away for a little while. I told Amelia the other day that this is the first time I get to do something 'normal' in what seems like forever," Harry says. 

"I'm glad," Mom says, a faint smile on her face. "Not about this being your first time doing something 'normal' but that you get to get away from the fame for a little bit. You're a very talented young man and you deserve all the success in the world but it must be overwhelming. You're also so young for all of this too. I couldn't imagine Amelia dealing with what you have to on a daily basis," 

"It can be a lot. I love my fans but the media attention can be a bit much. Sometimes I worry about Amelia getting roped in but I promise to keep her safe and as out of the limelight as I possibly can," 

My cheeks heat up after the words come out of Harry's mouth. I look over at him and see him gazing at me with a look of adoration plastered on his face. God, I love him. I can't believe how he manages to make me melt with every word that falls off of his lips. 

"I knew I liked you, Harry," Mom says. "You're very sweet and I'm glad you're taking care of my daughter," 

"Me too," Emma pipes in from where she sits in the front seat. 

"I'll always take care of her, that I can promise," Harry says. 

I smile and set my gaze out the window again. Although I feel like I'm intruding in this conversation, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't secretly loving it. Hearing Harry say those words to my mom makes my heart flutter. 

"I wish I had a boyfriend," Emma sighs. 

Harry and I both chuckle at her comment. 

"You're too young," Mom says quickly. 

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